hanai3Bi / Switch-OC-Suite

Overclocking suite for Nintendo Switch devices running Atmosphere CFW
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Limbo "Software was closed" when overclocked #52

Open VorgonBattlecruiser opened 8 months ago

VorgonBattlecruiser commented 8 months ago

Playing the game Limbo on latest and previous patch will get to the main menu when overclocked, but when attempting to start the game it crashes. Removing any overclock makes the game run. I tried multiple times and its repeatable.

had my clocks set at cpu 1963, gpu 998, memory 1996

other, far more demanding titles, run fine on these settings.

whats going on here?

hanai3Bi commented 8 months ago

what version do you mean by "previous patch"? nvm, i misread it as 'it only worked on previous version, but not on latest.'

so can you elaborate more on "removing overclock"

does it mean running on stock clocks, or removing loader patch?

VorgonBattlecruiser commented 8 months ago

Limbo v196608 is the current, v131072 was the previous one. those are the two versions i tested with.

i removed the config by setting a game specific override to 1020 cpu, 768mhz gpu and 1600mhz ram.

VorgonBattlecruiser commented 8 months ago

removing the global setting and setting it all to stock had the same effect of the game working perfectly again, too btw.

hanai3Bi commented 8 months ago

then that game doesn't run on non-stock clocks, or your memory overclock is not stable

VorgonBattlecruiser commented 8 months ago

i think the game may not like running at non-stock speeds, yeah.

ChanseyIsTheBest commented 7 months ago

I tried it out game crashes at 1963/998/1600 for me. I think this game hates higher clocks even without RAM OC. Issue with that game. I was tested while undervolted so someone should test without undervolt.