hanatsumi / rakuyomi

A manga reader plugin for KOReader.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
18 stars 0 forks source link

Rakuyomi entry not found after installation on a Kindle PW (Gen 5) #68

Open jovaniedelacruz opened 18 hours ago

jovaniedelacruz commented 18 hours ago


Installation seemed straightforward so I'm having difficulty understanding where I could be making a mistake. Does this plugin work on an older Kindle such as the original PW gen 5? Even if I had an invalid json file for settings I'd expect to see the plugin entry somewhere.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download Rakuyomi Kindle release 1.10.1
  2. Place rakuyomi.koplugin folder into /koreader/plugins/
  3. Place settings.json into /koreader/rakuyomi/ with a valid source_lists following configuration instructions
  4. Eject and run Koreader
  5. Click the "Search" menu to find "Rakuyomi" entry


Edit: Installed older version 1.5 to see if its just this version. 1.5 shows me an entry in search but crashes koreader immediately. After I installed 1.6 I no longer see the Rakuyomi entry.

hanatsumi commented 17 hours ago

Please attach your crash.log file, it should be located in the same folder that contains the plugins folder

jovaniedelacruz commented 17 hours ago

@hanatsumi Here's the crash.log found in /koreader/ The first section is 1.5 the second is 1.10.1

  _  _____  ____                _
 | |/ / _ \|  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | ___ _ __
 | ' / | | | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
 | . \ |_| |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |  __/ |
 |_|\_\___/|_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_|

 It's a scroll... It's a codex... It's KOReader!

 [*] Current time: 11/16/24-14:35:49
 [*] Version: v2024.07

ffi.load: libs/libutf8proc.so.3
ffi.load: blitbuffer
ffi.load: fbink_input
ffi.load (assisted searchpath): ./libs/libfbink_input.so.1
[FBInk] /dev/input/event0: `cyttsp` = TOUCHSCREEN
[ko-input] Forked off fake event generator (pid: 4489)
11/16/24-14:35:49 INFO  initializing for device KindlePaperWhite 
11/16/24-14:35:49 INFO  framebuffer resolution: {
  h = 1024,
  w = 758
} --[[table: 0x40374120]] 
ffi.load: libs/libwrap-mupdf.so
ffi.load: sqlite3
ffi.load: libs/libfreetype.so.6
ffi.load: libs/libharfbuzz.so.0
ffi.load: libs/libzstd.so.1
11/16/24-14:35:51 INFO  Loading plugins from directory: plugins 
sh: command: not found
sh: command: not found
11/16/24-14:35:52 INFO  setting up __gc proxy 
11/16/24-14:35:53 INFO  Loading Rakuyomi plugin... 
11/16/24-14:35:53 INFO  Spawned HTTP server with PID 4495 
[2024-11-16T19:35:53Z INFO  server] starting rakuyomi, version: v1.5.0
Error: trailing comma at line 6 column 5
11/16/24-14:36:02 INFO  Requesting to  {
  authority = "localhost:30727",
  host = "localhost",
  path = "/library",
  port = "30727",
  scheme = "http"
} --[[table: 0x4286d450]]  
./luajit: plugins/rakuyomi.koplugin/Backend.lua:95: Expected to be able to decode the response body as JSON: (status code: connection refused)
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'error'
    plugins/rakuyomi.koplugin/Backend.lua:95: in function 'getMangasInLibrary'
    plugins/rakuyomi.koplugin/LibraryView.lua:85: in function 'fetchAndShow'
    plugins/rakuyomi.koplugin/main.lua:78: in function 'openLibraryView'
    plugins/rakuyomi.koplugin/main.lua:39: in function 'callback'
    frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:922: in function 'onMenuSelect'
    frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:216: in function 'handleEvent'
    frontend/ui/widget/container/inputcontainer.lua:266: in function 'handleEvent'
    frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:83: in function 'propagateEvent'
    frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:101: in function 'handleEvent'
    frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:83: in function 'propagateEvent'
    frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:101: in function 'handleEvent'
    frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:83: in function 'propagateEvent'
    frontend/ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer.lua:101: in function 'handleEvent'
    frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:915: in function 'sendEvent'
    frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:53: in function '__default__'
    frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:1446: in function 'handleInputEvent'
    frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:1546: in function 'handleInput'
    frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:1590: in function 'run'
    ./reader.lua:280: in main chunk
    [C]: at 0x00013ebd
11/16/24-14:36:02 INFO  Terminating subprocess with PID 4495 
11/16/24-14:36:02 INFO  Subprocess is done: true 
lipc-wait-event exited normally with status: 0
  _  _____  ____                _
 | |/ / _ \|  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | ___ _ __
 | ' / | | | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
 | . \ |_| |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |  __/ |
 |_|\_\___/|_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_|

 It's a scroll... It's a codex... It's KOReader!

 [*] Current time: 11/16/24-14:41:04
 [*] Version: v2024.07

ffi.load: libs/libutf8proc.so.3
ffi.load: blitbuffer
ffi.load: fbink_input
ffi.load (assisted searchpath): ./libs/libfbink_input.so.1
[FBInk] /dev/input/event0: `cyttsp` = TOUCHSCREEN
[ko-input] Forked off fake event generator (pid: 4770)
11/16/24-14:41:05 INFO  initializing for device KindlePaperWhite 
11/16/24-14:41:05 INFO  framebuffer resolution: {
  h = 1024,
  w = 758
} --[[table: 0x403006c8]] 
ffi.load: libs/libwrap-mupdf.so
ffi.load: sqlite3
ffi.load: libs/libfreetype.so.6
ffi.load: libs/libharfbuzz.so.0
ffi.load: libs/libzstd.so.1
11/16/24-14:41:07 INFO  Loading plugins from directory: plugins 
sh: command: not found
sh: command: not found
11/16/24-14:41:09 INFO  setting up __gc proxy 
11/16/24-14:41:10 INFO  Loading Rakuyomi plugin... 
11/16/24-14:41:10 INFO  Spawned HTTP server with PID 4776 
11/16/24-14:41:10 INFO  Requesting to  {
  authority = "localhost:30727",
  host = "localhost",
  path = "/health-check",
  port = "30727",
  scheme = "http"
} --[[table: 0x42de4758]]  
[2024-11-16T19:41:10Z INFO  server] starting rakuyomi, version: v1.10.1
Error: trailing comma at line 6 column 5
11/16/24-14:41:10 INFO  Requesting to  {
  authority = "localhost:30727",
  host = "localhost",
  path = "/health-check",
  port = "30727",
  scheme = "http"
} --[[table: 0x42deaa98]]  
11/16/24-14:41:11 INFO  Requesting to  {
  authority = "localhost:30727",
  host = "localhost",
  path = "/health-check",
  port = "30727",
  scheme = "http"
} --[[table: 0x42dee888]]  
11/16/24-14:41:12 INFO  Requesting to  {
  authority = "localhost:30727",
  host = "localhost",
  path = "/health-check",
  port = "30727",
  scheme = "http"
} --[[table: 0x42df2180]]  
11/16/24-14:41:13 INFO  Requesting to  {
  authority = "localhost:30727",
  host = "localhost",
  path = "/health-check",
  port = "30727",
  scheme = "http"
} --[[table: 0x42df5870]]  
11/16/24-14:41:14 INFO  Requesting to  {
  authority = "localhost:30727",
  host = "localhost",
  path = "/health-check",
  port = "30727",
  scheme = "http"
} --[[table: 0x42df8f60]]  
11/16/24-14:41:15 WARN  Error when loading plugins/rakuyomi.koplugin/main.lua plugins/rakuyomi.koplugin/Backend.lua:141: server readiness check timed out 
11/16/24-14:41:30 INFO  UIManager: No dialogs left to show 
11/16/24-14:41:30 INFO  Tearing down UIManager with exit code: 0 
[ko-input] Closed input device with fd: 10 @ idx: 1 (matched by idx)
[ko-input] Closed input device with fd: 9 @ idx: 0 (matched by idx)
lipc-wait-event exited normally with status: 0
11/16/24-14:41:30 INFO  Terminating subprocess with PID 4776 
11/16/24-14:41:30 INFO  Subprocess is done: true 
hanatsumi commented 16 hours ago

The logs seem to indicate an issue with the settings.json file, in this section:

[2024-11-16T19:41:10Z INFO  server] starting rakuyomi, version: v1.10.1
Error: trailing comma at line 6 column 5

Please run the contents of your settings.json through a JSON validator such as this and see if it's valid, and if the validator does not report any fixes to be applied (such as removing trailing commas, for example).

hanatsumi commented 15 hours ago

@jovaniedelacruz I've pushed out v1.10.2, which should fix this specific crash. Could you try it out?