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Editor 클래스를 살펴보았더니 #1

Closed wonderino closed 11 years ago

wonderino commented 11 years ago

프로세싱의 TextArea가 JEditTextArea임 https://github.com/hanbyul-crew/processing/blob/master/app/src/processing/app/Editor.java

이게 JEdit Syntax 프로젝트에서 왔다고 함. protected JEditTextArea textarea;

해당 부분은 이거 https://github.com/hanbyul-crew/processing/blob/master/app/src/processing/app/syntax/JEditTextArea.java


The text area component from the JEdit Syntax (syntax.jedit.org) project. This is a very early version of what later was completely rewritten and become jEdit (jedit.org). Over the years we've also added minor features for use with Processing (notably mouse wheel support and copyAsHTML). [fry]

jEdit's text area component. It is more suited for editing program source code than JEditorPane, because it drops the unnecessary features (images, variable-width lines, and so on) and adds a whole bunch of useful goodies such as:

More flexible key binding scheme Supports macro recorders Rectangular selection Bracket highlighting Syntax highlighting Command repetition Block caret can be enabled It is also faster and doesn't have as many problems. It can be used in other applications; the only other part of jEdit it depends on is the syntax package. To use it in your app, treat it like any other component, for example:

JEditTextArea ta = new JEditTextArea();
 ta.setTokenMarker(new JavaTokenMarker());
 ta.setText("public class Test {\n"
     + "    public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
     + "        System.out.println(\"Hello World\");\n"
     + "    }\n"
     + "}");

Author: Slava Pestov

wonderino commented 11 years ago

processing.app.syntax.JEditTextArea 클래스에

private InputMethodSupport inputMethodSupport = null;

라는 부분이 있군요


Support in-line Japanese input for PDE. (Maybe Chinese, Korean and more) This class is implemented by Java Input Method Framework and handles If you would like to know more about Java Input Method Framework, Please see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/imf/ This class is implemented to fix Bug #854. http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=854

Author: Takashi Maekawa (takachin@generative.info)

뭔가 해결의 실마리가 될 부분인 것 같습니다.

wonderino commented 11 years ago

위의 InputMethodSupport의 키고끔을 프로세싱 'preference' 창에서 [] Enable complex text input(i.e. Japanese, requires restart of Processing) 이라는 체크박스를 통해 조작할 수 있습니다.

프로세싱 // what we want to see
ㅍㅡㄹㅗㅅㅔㅅㅣㅇ // after turning off the check box
플롯셋싱 // after turning on the check box

으로 나오는 상황

wonderino commented 11 years ago

그러고 보니 이 이슈를 프로세싱 레포에 써야 했었는데 왜 여기 써놨지

wonderino commented 11 years ago

해당 글들을 https://github.com/hanbyul-crew/processing/issues/1 로 이동합니다.