hanchao / MapLite

Android Tile Map, fork from osmdroid
17 stars 3 forks source link

documentation? #3

Open rakucmr opened 10 years ago

rakucmr commented 10 years ago

Where I can find documentation about how to use MapLite? How is speed compared to osmdroid and mapsforge? Can be used together osmbonuspack - https://code.google.com/p/osmbonuspack/ , or does it provide same features?

hanchao commented 10 years ago


There is no tutorials at the moment. MapLite is same as osmdroid. Supports mapsforge format is just an experimental. I think you can use osmdroid or mapsforge. Thanks for your interest

rakucmr commented 10 years ago

Will you continue to update this project?

hanchao commented 10 years ago

Yes, but not frequently.

If you interest on vector tiles, see https://github.com/opensciencemap/vtm

rakucmr commented 10 years ago

I know about vtm, but is not offline, and for what I want is not a good idea to have a lot of trafic

rakucmr commented 10 years ago

You did some modification to mapsforge files? Or just adder MapsforgeFileArchive.java reader and did modification to ArchiveFileFactory.java in osmdroid?

hanchao commented 10 years ago

I did not modify mapsforge. What I did, is add MapsforgeFileArchive.java and add MapsforgeFileArchive to ArchiveFileFactory.

public static IArchiveFile getArchiveFile(final File pFile) {
        if (pFile.getName().endsWith(".map")) {
            try {
                return MapsforgeFileArchive.getMapsforgeFileArchive(pFile);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                logger.error("Error opening Mapsforge Map file", e);

In MapsforgeFileArchive, I use mapsforge to generate image tile

public InputStream getInputStream(ITileSource tileSource, MapTile tile) {
            RendererJob rendererJob = new RendererJob(maptile, mFile, InternalRenderTheme.OSMARENDER, 1.5f);
            Bitmap bitmap = mDatabaseRenderer.executeJob(rendererJob);