For some reason "glmm.wald" is exporting only NAs when I provide the inputs below. For reference, it's returning the full data frame full of NAs. I'm not sure where my error is.
Thank you,
glmm.wald(fixed = trt ~ 1, data = y, kins = K, id = "ID",verbose=T,snp.col=1,
family = quasibinomial(link = "logit"), infile = "tmp_infile.txt", snps=snps,
infile.nrow.skip = 0, infile.ncol.skip = 1, infile.ncol.print = 1,infile.sep = ",")
For some reason "glmm.wald" is exporting only NAs when I provide the inputs below. For reference, it's returning the full data frame full of NAs. I'm not sure where my error is.
Thank you, Neal
snps<-c("Chr01K_671719","Chr01K_676401","Chr01K_676418","Chr01K_676677","Chr01K_676813") glmm.wald(fixed = trt ~ 1, data = y, kins = K, id = "ID",verbose=T,snp.col=1, family = quasibinomial(link = "logit"), infile = "tmp_infile.txt", snps=snps, infile.nrow.skip = 0, infile.ncol.skip = 1, infile.ncol.print = 1,infile.sep = ",")
K.txt tmp_y.txt tmp_infile.txt