hanchuanchuan / goInception

GNU General Public License v3.0
1.59k stars 545 forks source link

偶发性报错Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now #613

Open includeMaple opened 8 months ago

includeMaple commented 8 months ago

描述 偶发性报错 Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

语句 sql = select count() from log_ad where lType = 11 and logTime > "2023-10-18 19:00:00" and logTime < "2023-10-18 20:00:00" and xxid = 60030710 and xx like '%1202%' "/--user='xxx';--password='xxx';--host='xx.xx.xx';--port=3306;--charset=utf8;--enable-query-print;*/\n inception_magic_start; use test1;\n sql inception_magic_commit;"

重现 模拟重现的步骤


参数 host = "" port = 4000 path = "/data/goInception/data/"

[log] level = "warn" format = "text" disable-timestamp = false

[inc] default_charset = "utf8" backup_host = "" backup_port = 3306 backup_user = "xx" backup_password = "xxxx" enable_nullable = true enable_drop_table = false enable_set_engine = true check_timestamp_count = true check_table_comment = false check_column_comment = false check_insert_field = true check_column_type_change = true sql_safe_updates = -1 support_charset = "utf8,utf8mb4,latin1" support_engine = "innodb" lang = "en-US" general_log = false enable_timestamp_type = false check_dml_limit = false enable_use_view = true check_dml_where = true enable_blob_not_null = true enable_blob_type = true enable_json_type = true enable_drop_database = false

[osc] osc_print_none = false osc_print_sql = false osc_on = true osc_min_table_size = 16 osc_alter_foreign_keys_method = "none" osc_recursion_method = "processlist" osc_max_lag = 3 osc_check_alter = true osc_check_replication_filters = true osc_drop_old_table = true osc_drop_new_table = true osc_max_thread_running = 1000 osc_max_thread_connected = 100000 osc_critical_thread_running = 1000 osc_critical_thread_connected = 100000 osc_chunk_time = 1.0 osc_chunk_size_limit = 4 osc_chunk_size = 1000 osc_check_interval = 5 osc_bin_dir = "/usr/local/bin"

[ghost] osc_critical_thread_running = 500 osc_max_thread_running = 500 osc_critical_thread_connected = 100000 osc_max_thread_connected = 100000 ghost_on = true ghost_allow_on_master = true ghost_assume_rbr = true ghost_chunk_size = 100000 ghost_concurrent_rowcount = true ghost_cut_over = "atomic" ghost_cut_over_lock_timeout_seconds = 3 ghost_default_retries = 60 ghost_heartbeat_interval_millis = 500 ghost_max_lag_millis = 500000 ghost_approve_renamed_columns = true ghost_exponential_backoff_max_interval = 64 ghost_dml_batch_size = 10 ghost_ok_to_drop_table = true ghost_skip_foreign_key_checks = true ghost_initially_drop_ghost_table = true ghost_initially_drop_old_table = true ghost_initially_drop_socket_file = true ghost_aliyun_rds = false ghost_allow_master_master = true

[inc_level] er_alter_table_once = 1 er_auto_incr_id_warning = 1 er_autoinc_unsigned = 1 er_change_column_type = 1 er_charset_on_column = 1 er_column_have_no_comment = 1 er_foreign_key = 2 er_ident_use_keyword = 1 er_inc_init_err = 1 er_index_name_idx_prefix = 1 er_index_name_uniq_prefix = 1 er_invalid_data_type = 1 er_invalid_ident = 1 er_no_where_condition = 1 er_not_allowed_nullable = 1 er_ordery_by_rand = 1 er_partition_not_allowed = 0 er_pk_cols_not_int = 1 er_select_only_star = 0 er_set_data_type_int_bigint = 2 er_table_must_have_comment = 1 er_table_must_have_pk = 1 er_text_not_nullable_error = 1 er_timestamp_default = 1 er_too_much_auto_timestamp_cols = 2 er_use_enum = 1 er_use_text_or_blob = 2 er_with_default_add_column = 1 er_with_insert_field = 1 er_with_limit_condition = 1 er_with_orderby_condition = 1 er_cant_change_column_position = 1 er_json_type_support = 2

[ptosc] osc_on = false

[log.file] filename = "/data/goInception/log/goInception.log" max-size = 300 max-days = 0 max-backups = 0 log-rotate = true