handnot2 / samly

Elixir Plug library to enable SAML 2.0 SP SSO in Phoenix/Plug applications.
MIT License
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multi idp configuration issue #6

Closed natewallis closed 6 years ago

natewallis commented 6 years ago

The default multi IDP config for 0.8 works fine, however, when I modify to my custom server names, I am still using the docker image specified in samly_howto which uses SimpleSaml.

The host I am trying to run from is: federation.mannequin.localhost

I have modified the saml20-sp-remote.php to contain the following:

$metadata['http://federation.mannequin.localhost:4000/sso/sp/metadata'] = array(
  'name' => 'samly_howto',
  'NameIDFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient',
  'simplesaml.nameidattribute' => 'uid',
  'signature.algorithm' => 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256',
  'AssertionConsumerService' => 'http://federation.mannequin.localhost:4000/sso/sp/consume',
  'SingleLogoutService' => array(
    0 => array(
      'Binding' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST',
      'Location' => 'http://federation.mannequin.localhost:4000/sso/sp/logout',
  'sign.logout' => true,
  'validate.authnrequest' => true,
  /* 'validate.logout' => true, */
  'certificate' => 'sp/federation_mannequin_localhost/sp.crt',

Here are the development certificates I am using. Please note, that while the zip contains a file title mannequin_localhost.crt, I am renaming it when moving it to the SimpleSaml /setup/sp/federation_mannequin_localhost/ folder as sp.crt


Here is my config in my phoenix project:

config :samly, Samly.Provider,
idp_id_from: :subdomain,
  service_providers: [
      id: "mannequin",
      #entity_id: "urn:my-host:my-id",
      certfile: "auth/mannequin_localhost.crt",
      keyfile: "auth/mannequin_localhost.pem",
      contact_name: "Samly Howto SP1 Admin",
      contact_email: "sp1-admin@samly.howto",
      org_name: "Samly Howto SP1",
      org_displayname: "Samly Howto SP1 Displayname",
      org_url: "http://mannequin.localhost:4000"
identity_providers: [
      id: "federation",
      sp_id: "mannequin",
      base_url: "http://federation.mannequin.localhost:4000/sso",
      metadata_file: "auth/idp_metadata.xml",
      #pre_session_create_pipeline: SamlyHowtoWeb.Plugs.SamlyPipeline,
      #use_redirect_for_req: true,
      #sign_requests: true,
      #sign_metadata: true,
      #signed_assertion_in_resp: true,
      #signed_envelopes_in_resp: true

Any ideas what might be going on? Here is the error received in SimpleSaml..


I have debugged this to make sure its picking up my SP metadata in SimpleSaml. But couldn't quite figure out where the unhandled exception was being thrown. I haven't changed any other SimpleSaml config.

handnot2 commented 6 years ago

Are you using the latest samly_simplesaml? If so, there is no need to modify the saml20-sp-remote.php directly. The setup/params/params.yml should be modified appropriately and docker-compose restarted.

Check the logs:

docker-compose logs setup
docker-compose exec idp sh
cat /tmp/simplesamlphp.log

BTW, not related to this issue, SimpleSAMLPhp released a new version. If you want to move to that, you might want to run ./build.sh to create a new docker image (after removing the current images).

natewallis commented 6 years ago


All worked as soon as I used the YAML config file. Not sure what I did to blow it up, but I'll stick with that for now.

handnot2 commented 6 years ago

Updated the migration instructions with an item covering samly_simplesaml. The templates in the samly_simplesaml are setup to how samlly_howto expects the configuration to be.

Closing this.