handsontable / handsontable

JavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look & feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡
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[Bug]: cell editor doesn't switch as intended on tab navigation between cells #10909

Open bturner1273 opened 1 month ago

bturner1273 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

bug repro

this example sets up a handsontable with two editor types x1 editor and x100 editor. The x1 editor displays the numeric value of the cell, the x100 editor displays the numeric value of the cell multiplied by 100. The first column of every row has a dropdown to switch between editor types for the subsequent column.

Switching between editor types works as intended when clicking around and the correct data is displayed. However there is a specific input sequence where I can get the editor not to switch correctly. To do this focus on a cell in the type column with your mouse, type "x1", press tab, type 2, press tab. The resulting value of the cell is 200 instead of 2 because the editor seemingly wasn't switched from x100 to x1 on the tab away from the dropdown.



Provide a link to the demo with the bug reproduction

bug repro

Handsontable version

v14.0.0 & v13.1.0

Framework version

React 18

Your environment


adrianszymanski89 commented 1 month ago

Hi @bturner1273

Thank you for reporting this. We weren't aware of this problem, and we even have information in our documentation that the TAB key should perform the same action as closing the cell editor in any other way.

I reported it internally for further investigation, and I get back to you when I have more information.