handsontable / handsontable

JavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look & feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡
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[Bug]: Vue 3 composition API ref error #10919

Closed lmvdz closed 1 week ago

lmvdz commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

When I add a ref to the Vue component and add that same ref to my setup function I get an error in console which completely breaks the page.

image image image


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Provide a link to the demo with the bug reproduction

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Handsontable version


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Your environment

Windows 11, Firefox/Chrome, Node v18.17.1, Vue 3.4.21

lmvdz commented 1 month ago

My workaround is this:


In my onMounted callback


adrianszymanski89 commented 1 month ago

Hi @lmvdz

Thank you for contacting us. Can you please provide a code demo with the minimal settings where the issue is replicable? That would greatly help us to determine the problem.

lmvdz commented 4 weeks ago

Here is the demo

Also using my workaround doesn't work, not able to hook into anything. The instance isDestroyed is true after the first render... not sure what the lifecycle here is.

lmvdz commented 4 weeks ago

Changed to options API instead of composition API and it works, unfortunate I can't use Githubissues.

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