handsontable / handsontable

JavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look & feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡
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8.0.0 release #6465

Closed wojciechczerniak closed 4 years ago

wojciechczerniak commented 4 years ago


Various tasks that we want to address before releasing v8.0.0.

After code freeze


    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#2685 columnSorting should work without observeChanges
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3328 beforeColumnResize and beforeRowResize first argument is column width
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3568 manualMoveRow don't work after loadData
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3726 Cannot Navigate Past Hidden Column Using Keyboard if hot.updateSettings is Called in AfterSelection
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3770 Rendering issue on column udpate with updateSettings
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3809 CRUD operations should work with columnSorting and loadData
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3914 & handsontable/handsontable#5133nestedRows should work with InsertRow, RemoveRow operations,
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3924 сolumnSummary does not work with columnSorting and context menu
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3937 Blank Rows in Middle of Grid [PRO]
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3958 DataSource.countColumns returns invalid number of columns for nested objects.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#3978 afterOnCellMouseDown returns coords (0,0) after click on the topleft corner
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4121 hiddenColumns settings are reseted after updateSettings
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4154 formulas not init with nestedRows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4176 Headers doesn’t export with exportToFile in the specific case
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4181 using 'hiddenColumns' and 'stretchH' shows a unnecessary horizontal scrollbar when there is enough space
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4204 Using loadData on an object data doesn't work
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4233 Drag down: can't return back to the original cell
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4360 When changing cell type, cell editor does not dynamically change
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4370 If the last column is a hidden column and stretchH is enabled, last column is being displayed
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4381 updateSettings performance is very low because of hiddenColumns
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4441 Allow cancelling of autofill in the beforeAutofill hook
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4442 Filtering is using wrong indexes
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4470 Wrong value after column move
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4480 updateSettings in afterColumnMove
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4501 afterRowMove hook returns improper target parameter
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4553 manualColumnFreeze should work without manualColumnMove
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4567 recordTranslator shouldn't return null - need more test
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4576 [0.27.0+] Data not render when use manualRowMove and minSpareRows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4601 manualColumnFreeze should work with columnSorting
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4666 Manual column width doesn't follow column if we insert / remove column
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4713 Row moving doesn't work with column sorting when PersistentState is enabled
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4716 Collapse not working correctly when using custom cell rendrers
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4793 Cell type cannot be changed via setCellMeta
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4897 Improper selection after insert column/row when mergeCells is enabled.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4926 manualColumnMove doesn't work when data object is empty
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#4999 collapsibleColumns doesn't work with columnSorting
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5000 Incorrect data is returned after undoing the remove column option
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5065 Common rowsMapper for columnSorting manualRowMove and trimRows - nothing to test
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5068 Refactor manualRowMove - nothing to test
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5112 Global index mapper (EPIC, nothing to do here)
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5159 Update deps
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5173 problem with afterColumnMove
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5178 manualRowMove should work with filters
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5200 manualColumnMove doesn't modify the columns in updateSettings
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5207 Persisted manualColumnMove not restored when using loadData()
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5208 Filtering results in blank rows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5244 loadData() breaks column filters
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5328 Update data doesn't work with collapsed/trimmed rows?
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5369 Handsontable colHeaders gets NaN on loadData
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5388 Add beforeSetCellMeta hook with an ability to cancel the changes
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5571 hiddenColumns doesn't work with columnSorting
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5591 The "manualColumnMove" operation affects the column order of data loaded by "loadData".
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5598 [8.0.0.-rc1] manualColumnMove should work with hiddenColumns
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5704 hiddenColumns option interferes with keyboard movement.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5707 Filter causes Minsparerows to have problems
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5753 Nested rows bad state after changing data
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5771 getSourceData functions return wrong data for nested rows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5792 Expand collapsed column, is expanding also 'child' collapsed columns, except the first child
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5794 ColumnSummary: Extra row + unchangeable values
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5817 Hiding first rows bug
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5824 skipColumnOnPaste is broken with columnSorting enabled
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5849 [2.0.0+] Scrolls to the end when columns are updated such that the selected column is removed
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5860 trimRows should work with moveRow
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5861 currentColClassName doesn't work properly with nestedHeaders
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5862 trimRows does not work with minSpareRows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5871 Hiding columns affect selection of hidden columns
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5874 nestedRows does not allow to keep rowHeaders after collapsing
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5875 collapsibleColumns should work without hiddenColumns
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5877 hiddenColumns doesn't work properly with autoWrapRow/autoWrapCol
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5881 When we hide first column on IE we get double border for top left corner
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5882 Indexes of nestedHeaders are not recalculating after remove/add column
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5883 hiddenColumns plugin unsets cell's renderer
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5889 nestedRows should work with filters
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5890 filters should work with columnSorting
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5900 Wrong position of buttons in nestedRows after use detach from parent
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5906 Selection of a whole row does not happen consequently after selecting a row header.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5909 hiddenColumns stores visual indexes, should use physical
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5915 trimRows should work with filters
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5931 manualColumnMove doesn't work when columns count is different from array of objects properties count
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5953 trimRows should work with startRows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5956 columnSorting is not working correctly with loadData
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#5999 handsontable 7.0.2 context menu issue with multiple selected rows in case of 1st column hidden
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6005 afterColumnMove/beforeColumnMove doesn't tell you where the columns move to
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6035 The function loadManualRowHeights is return a array, but in the typescript .d.ts file it is defined as void
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6051 Wrong cell meta removed when deleting rows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6058 getSourceData functions return wrong data for nestedRows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6066 move multiple rows with nestedRows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6086 Once we enable columnSorting we cannot run the merge() method
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6088 Duplicated rows while using manualRowMove with improper index
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6113 We can show columns/row when they're all hidden
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6186 Bug with scrollbar and dimension calculation in Firefox
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6193 Add hooks to collapsibleColumns plugin
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6167 JSON data with empty value will lose some double quotes when pasted into a cell
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6177 Adjust HiddenRows to new IndexMapper architecture
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6181 Row selection ignores columns that are hidden at the end
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6204 CollapsibleColumns should no longer use HiddenColumns plugin
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6218 When we again on the same cell with RMB we get a browser menu
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6224 Can't hide rows and merge cells at the same time
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6278 Filters and minSpareRows problems at the same time - additional error fixed
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6295 updateSettings can not update tableClassName
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6300 doesn't work with columnSummary when plugin tries to create a row
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6309 Set data at physical row instead of visual. setSourceDataAtCell was added
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6310 Visual indexes are wrong when using trimRows and columnSorting
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6332 Lost readonly property if I ask confirm in beforeRemoveCol or beforeRemoverow
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6334 Inconsistent selection using the right mouse button for first row/column
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6346 Missing typings for instance.undoRedo
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6347 Typing mismatch for Handsontable.plugins.ContextMenu
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6355 We're not able to move column when all columns are selected by ctrl + a
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6363 minSpareCols with undo adds too many columns
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6371 Some classes for table are missing if one of them is empty
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6376 Hiding rows while there is a merged area involved causes data shifting and
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6381walkontable.css and handsontable.css stylesheets are not in sync
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6386 Wrong selection area after sorting with hidden rows
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6412 After removing column rowHeaders stay improperly
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6413 colHeaders order is not updated after manual move with empty object data source
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6426 When we define data with more data than used in columns we cannot show column once it's hidden
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6430 The afterRowResize hook shares unbelievable results in the 2nd parameter
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6432 Can't detach from parent
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6433 Undoing removing nested row doesn't work
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6435 Manual row resize handler throws an error when bottom rows overlay is enabled
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6463 colHeader is truncated after moving hiddenColumn
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6477 customBorders plugin is missing in the definition file
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6514 PreventOverflow feature doesn't work if multiColumnSorting plugin is enabled
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6539 beforeRowMove args have wrong types
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6548 getByRange for sourceData doesn't work properly with nested object data.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6557 Hidden (last) column is visible upon resizing Columns
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6559 readOnly for column is erased (does not apply) if we use filters
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6575 Old CSS classes are not removed after updateSettings
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6595 [8.0.0] Hidden Indexes refactor
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6600 We're not able to align cells if the selection is made upward
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6664 Add modifySourceData hook and setSourceDataAtRowProp, setSourceDataAtCell methods
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6668 Column hiding issue after columns moved manually
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6670 Headers are deselected after undoing removing
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6672 Remove debug key (key, css, docs)
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6695 columnSummary, Filters and spare rows are causing 'RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded'
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6699 [5.0.2] EDGE Dropdown menu onMouseOut event causes critical errors when hovering over vertical scrollbar
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6703 The cell meta is being retrieved using the wrong coordinates
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6755 Double click on the column resize handle does not adjust size correctly
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6756 After enabling false to beforeAutofill we should add an additional test.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6770 Selection skips the highest parent
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6792 Remove old warning
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6831 Incorrect selection after hiding first row
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6840 Wrong union type for startPosition
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6842 Backspace in filter by value option does not work initially
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6843 Calling updateSettings changes the index of frozen columns via freezeColumn method
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6881 Bug: Nested headers and hidden columns highlight the next column
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6888 The wrong data in merge cells after the hidden column and additionally an error occurs.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6904 trimRows and hiddenRows with certain settings break borders
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6928 nestedRows blocks table from loading if data is not provided
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6965 After moving row from bottom to top the row indexes changes if the first row is hiding.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6973 Keyboard navigation with selection does not work on merged cells
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6974 It’s possible to select hidden column/row.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6975 Cannot selectAll when the first row is hidden
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6976 Hiding first row causes column headers selection to lack blue highlight
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6977 Hiding first row causes 2nd row to lack a top border
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6978 Incorrect column header highlight when merged cells are unmerged and hiddenColumns are used
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6982 [7.0.0] The editor is moved by 1px when the first row / column is hidden
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6990 ReadOnly state for some cells is lost when we remove rows with trimRows turned on
    • [x] handsontable/dev-handsontable#376 Undoing column removal causes column headers to lack a header
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7005 We cannot set focus to a column to open context menu after applying a filter
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7020 mergedCells with hidden causes issues with rendering
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7022 Remove GanttChart plugin
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7023 Deprecate HeaderTooltips plugin
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7028 [1.18.0] Too many layers of highlight with noncontinuous selection on merged cells
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7035 NestedHeaders does not allow to define header level as an empty array
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7036 Passing nestedHeaders as a single empty array stops the table from painting
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7043 When we copy and paste a header we get a new empty row when data is hidden
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7045 afterSelectionEnd returns incorrect data when clicking on a column when we have all the rows hidden
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7050 Opening a context menu for a column when its hidden data is selected does not block adding of rows via menu
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7061 Problems with adding rows from the corner when all rows are trimmed
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7074 The row/column resize hooks should not return null.
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7076 [2.0.0] Loss of selection after merging from headers
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7095 We are not able to unmerge cells if part of it is hidden
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7097 Clear() method does not work for hidden data
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7099 calling clear() method removes the focus from the table
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7114 Using read-only and alignment from the context menu when all columns are selected is disabled
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6232 trimWhitespace=false and wordWrapping
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#7103 Additional, native for macOS editor selection in Firefox 78
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6955 Safari draws different borders than Chrome and FF, when editor is opened
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6788 "Hide" property missing in CustomBorders typings
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6869 Undo: Add support for fixing columns
    • [x] handsontable/handsontable#6149 Rows cannot be resized to less than rowHeights


Issues that will NOT be fixed by v8

wojciechczerniak commented 4 years ago

New screenshot https://github.com/krzysztofspilka/handsontable/blob/master/handsontable-github-preview.png

New logo https://github.com/krzysztofspilka/handsontable/blob/master/handsontable-logo.svg

Upload to master.

AMBudnik commented 4 years ago

@wojciechczerniak handsontable/handsontable#5792 is described as

Issues that may be fixed by handsontable/handsontable#6204

but it is already fixed by this PR handsontable/handsontable#6716 (demo posted handsontable/handsontable#5792)
It is the same for handsontable/handsontable#6770 solved in 8.0.0.-beta2-rev2

wojciechczerniak commented 4 years ago

List merged with https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/6465#issue-522391935

AMBudnik commented 4 years ago

Epic closed with the release of v8.0.0