handsontable / hot-table

Handsontable - Best Data Grid Web Component with Spreadsheet Look and Feel.
MIT License
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Can't change date format #11

Open devmikko opened 9 years ago

devmikko commented 9 years ago

The default DD/MM/YYYY date format is still reflecting date

despite it's declare to be MM/DD/YYYY date2

sandro-k commented 8 years ago

@devmikko I hope you found an answer.. I belief there is no bug, it is just how html attributes are mapped to the JavaScript properties

<hot-column width="125" type="date" value="date" date-format="MM/DD/YY" correct-format header="Date"></hot-column>

dateformat should be date-format because the JavaScript property is dateFormat which will be mapped to data-format see https://github.com/Polymer/polymer/blob/master/PRIMER.md#attribute-deserialization

correctFormat='true' should just be correct-format