Open thebrauer opened 8 years ago
Hi @thebrauer I'm not sure what you would like to achieve.
You can grammatically select a cell by the selectCell() method you can also prevent the table of loosing focus (when you click outside the table) with outsideClickDeselects
option set to false
like in this example:
The server programmer told me that sending -1 to the server created some issues for him and I am afraid I don't know what.
Can outsideClickDeselects be added as a property to this?:
<hot-table id="Hot-table1" datarows="{{model.Modules.Selectables}}" class="htLeft" stretch-h="all" highlighted-row="{{model.Modules.SelectedIndex$}}" manual-column-move manual-column-resize fill-handle="false" column-sorting sort-indicator prevent-overflow="horizontal">
<hot-column value="NameUrl" header="Name" read-only renderer="html"></hot-column>
<hot-column value="Version" header="Version" read-only></hot-column>
<hot-column value="OS" header="OS" read-only></hot-column>
<hot-column value="Platform" header="Platform" read-only></hot-column>
I'm not an expert in Hot-table but as I was told by one of our devs it should work.
outsideClickDeselects option set to false
this option works for this issue, thank you dude.
Is it possible for the table to keep the selection when it loses focus? It seems to always set -1 as selectedIndex now.