handsontable / hot-table

Handsontable - Best Data Grid Web Component with Spreadsheet Look and Feel.
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Handsontable.eventManager is undefined #48

Closed VioLoustic closed 6 years ago

VioLoustic commented 6 years ago

I'm using the latest master version of <hot-table> When I implemented <hot-table> as a web component in my sample project, the handsontable was not displayed because the console throw error as below:

hot-table.js:54 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'isHotTableEnv' of undefined at HTMLElement. (hot-table.js:54)

I tried to comment out the below source code (hot-table.js)

        this.hot.isHotTableEnv = true;
        Handsontable.eventManager.isHotTableEnv = this.hot.isHotTableEnv;

Then the table was shown properly. Could you please provide me a sample source code without modifying hot-table.js? I need to run hot-table in JavaScript (not AngularJS)

Thank you very much!

AMBudnik commented 6 years ago

Hi @VioLoustic

the eventManager has been renamed to EventManager in version 1.11.0

VioLoustic commented 6 years ago

Hi @AMBudnik Please refer to: https://github.com/handsontable/hot-table/blob/a0e61363d63b1394a84457d0159f020d949974f3/src/hot-table.js#L54 I'm using master version of hot-table, not pro version. Could you check it again? Thank you!

AMBudnik commented 6 years ago

I am sorry. I did not get a notification about the comment.

Have you already managed to fix the issue?

mohsini172 commented 6 years ago

I'm having same problem right click is not working for me. Anyone find solution?

warpech commented 6 years ago

@AMBudnik <hot-table> wraps Handsontable CE 0.24.3, which still uses Handsontable.eventManager.

The problem reported by @mohsini172 seems to be unrelated. I have created a separate issue for it: https://github.com/handsontable/hot-table/issues/51. Please follow that one for the context menu problem.

I would like to help but I cannot reproduce the problem explained by @VioLoustic. Closing this issue as not reproducible. If the issue prevails, please provide accurate steps to reproduce or more information that helps to find the reason.

mringler commented 6 years ago

This happened to me when using ngHandsontable with a new handsontable version.

Note that once loaded, ngHandsontable will cause this issue even on regular HOT-tables, since it adds a non-compatible hook to the global Handsontable object.