handsontable / hot-table

Handsontable - Best Data Grid Web Component with Spreadsheet Look and Feel.
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Context menu does not show up #51

Closed warpech closed 5 years ago

warpech commented 6 years ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install hot-table locally using bower
  2. Run a local server (I use Polyserve)
  3. Go to the demo page index.html
  4. Right-click on any cell


A context menu should open because the attribute context-menu is present.


Context menu does not open but I can see that the vertical scrollbar moves a bit. It seems as if the context menu opens unstyled outside of the browser viewport.

Tested using Chrome.

warpech commented 6 years ago

I pushed a fix to a branch. It is a work in progress, I will make a PR when it's ready.

icaromro commented 6 years ago

Any news on this? I'm having this problem on version 2.0.0. When right clicking for the context menu I can see that the vertical scroll bar move and when I go to the end of the page the context menu is opened there and I get the following error message: ngHandsontable.js:25 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'isHotTableEnv' of undefined

AMBudnik commented 6 years ago

I am sorry but we did not update the hot-table recently. We'll do it in the first spare minute.

warpech commented 5 years ago

My branch that fixes the problem: https://github.com/handsontable/hot-table/tree/upgrade-hot

@handsontable/core pls finish this as a proper PR whenever possible.

ketan-navadiya commented 5 years ago

Could anyone please provide any workaround for "ContextMenu" problem? We are using Hansontable Pro version 4.0.0 with the Hot table. I am facing the same issue.

We really needed the solution because earlier we used a free version of Handsontable and ContextMenu function was working fine. Now, Our Client decided to use Pro version to add an extra feature if we didn't get any workaround or PR then we need to move back to the free version because our lots of functionality depend on "ContextMenu" feature.

AMBudnik commented 5 years ago

Hi @ketan-navadiya

the solution provided by @warpech will be pulled in the next version of Handsontable (PRO and CE).

ketan-navadiya commented 5 years ago

Hi @AMBudnik, Thanks for the response. When will be this next version release?

AMBudnik commented 5 years ago

It is planned for 11th of July.

ketan-navadiya commented 5 years ago

@AMBudnik okay, Thanks.

budnix commented 5 years ago

Fixed and released in 1.0.0