handsontable / hot-table

Handsontable - Best Data Grid Web Component with Spreadsheet Look and Feel.
MIT License
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Fatal Error on press backspace when after selected; #7

Closed lucasfanning closed 9 years ago

lucasfanning commented 9 years ago

Fatal Error on press backspace when after cell is selected; The provable problem is the shadowDom, as tested here.

lucasfanning commented 9 years ago

if I use for lightDom:

  parseDeclaration: function(elementElement) {
    var template = this.fetchTemplate(elementElement);
    if (template) {
      var root = this.lightFromTemplate(template);

for each component util the root, the problem is "solved", but it is a bug, we need correct it.

budnix commented 9 years ago

Could you try hot-table with newest version of Handsontable 0.12.6 (bower update)?. In this version we have fixed some bugs related with web components.

devmikko commented 9 years ago

Works ok now after updating the Handsontable.