handsontable / ngHandsontable

Official AngularJS directive for Handsontable
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how to require current row values in handsontable #242

Closed jnjagtap closed 6 years ago

jnjagtap commented 6 years ago

i have used hotInstance.getDataAtRow(row) inside renderer but it is giving me all row data . i want only current.

AMBudnik commented 6 years ago

The renderer needs to render all the rows so it will return all the data. When do you need to get this data? What row you need to pull?

jnjagtap commented 6 years ago

i want to pull only that row in which i click on 1 property of row

AMBudnik commented 6 years ago

So you can use the getDataAtRow() method inside the afterOnCellMouseDown event. The event returns an array of coordinates row and column

jnjagtap commented 6 years ago

can we declare hotInstace globally

AMBudnik commented 6 years ago

You can declare it inside the controller http://jsbin.com/digupecame/edit?html,js,output