handyman5 / acd_fuse

FUSE filesystem driver for Amazon Cloud Drive
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Socket is not connected #14

Open procmail opened 9 years ago

procmail commented 9 years ago

Trying to login from cached sessionfile /var/folders/px/1k8yck6x2tdgcwjbjxcjwfw00000gn/T/acd_fuse/sessionfile Cached session failed; trying auth login Login successful; starting filesystem fuse: unknown option `big_writes' Traceback (most recent call last): File "./acd", line 468, in fs.main() File "./acd", line 90, in main fuse.Fuse.main(self) File "/Users/eric/.virtualenvs/acd/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuse.py", line 754, in main main(**d) fuse.FuseError: filesystem initialization failed mount_osxfusefs: failed to mount /Users/eric/.virtualenvs/acd/acd_fuse/mounter@/dev/osxfuse0: Socket is not connected

I do have osxfuse installed and can do sshfs mounts properly.

handyman5 commented 9 years ago

I have no idea, I haven't seen this issue. Where did you get your fuse library from? Is it old? It looks like you will need fuse 2.8.0 or higher.

handyman5 commented 9 years ago

Also, can you please include your command line (with the password obfuscated)?

procmail commented 9 years ago


./acd mounter2 -oemail='me@example.com',password='1234567890',umask=000,allow_other

I'm using OSXFuse (http://osxfuse.github.io) version 2.7.5. Not sure what version that equates to in Fuse.

handyman5 commented 9 years ago

Does the "mounter2" directory exist? It looks like it was trying to mount into "mounter@" in the earlier error.

Failing that, can you comment out the "big_writes" line in acd and see if that does the trick?

procmail commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the late reply.

Yes, mounter2 exists.

Commenting out the "big_writes" line in acd gives:

./acd mounter2 -oemail='username@gmail.com',password='myPassword',umask=000

(or ./acd mounter2 -oemail='username@gmail.com',password='myPassword',umask=000,allow_other)

(acd)➜  acd_fuse git:(master) ✗ mount_osxfusefs: failed to mount /Users/eric/.virtualenvs/acd/acd_fuse/mounter2@/dev/osxfuse0: Invalid argument

If I use:

./acd mounter2 -oemail='username@gmail.com',password='myPassword',umask=allow_other

Then I get the /dev/osxfuse0:

Socket is not connected error message again.

As root, issuing:

./acd mounter2 -oemail='username@gmail.com',password='myPassword'


Trying to login from cached sessionfile /var/folders/px/1k8yck6x2tdgcwjbjxcjwfw00000gn/T/acd_fuse/sessionfile
Login successful; starting filesystem
(acd)➜  acd_fuse git:(master) ✗ mount_osxfusefs: failed to mount /Users/eric/.virtualenvs/acd/acd_fuse/mounter2@/dev/osxfuse0: Invalid argument
westito commented 9 years ago

+1 I have exactly the same issue

Thinkscape commented 8 years ago

Same here:

$ ./acd /Volumes/ACD -oemail=email@address,password=password
Cached session failed; trying auth login
Login successful; starting filesystem
fuse: unknown option `big_writes'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./acd", line 470, in <module>
  File "./acd", line 92, in main
  File "build/bdist.macosx-10.10-x86_64/egg/fuse.py", line 754, in main
    NOTE: There is an incombatibility between Linux and Mac OS X
fuse.FuseError: filesystem initialization failed
mount_osxfusefs: failed to mount /Volumes/ACD@/dev/osxfuse2: Socket is not connected
Thinkscape commented 8 years ago

Interesting ... After removing big_writes option from the source:

Trying to login from cached sessionfile /var/folders/n3/t_yb0q492_g_46wb7zk9mhyh0000gn/T/acd_fuse/sessionfile
Login successful; starting filesystem

I get back to shell... but Then after a few seconds, a background process throws this into stdout:

mount_osxfusefs: failed to mount /Volumes/ACD@/dev/osxfuse2: Invalid argument
TheMacMini09 commented 8 years ago

Same problem here (as OP).

zfarkas commented 8 years ago

Same problem(s) here.