hangforever / hangzone-frontend

An app that enables hangers all over the world to discover and share zones in which to hang ;)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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new Mockups #15

Closed scootyboots closed 4 years ago

scootyboots commented 4 years ago

Added some folder structure

New wireframes:

Also added DS_store to gitignore

aburd commented 4 years ago

Ohhhh, I'm liking the mobile design for menu options. What's the difference between Map and Zones?

scootyboots commented 4 years ago

After discussion offline, decided we should trim some of the features from the most recent mockups.

@aburd I've updated the wireframes


Added a new wireframe for interacting with a checked-in zone. Think we'll need this so people can close out zones, leave checked-in a zone, invite new people, and edit title/description area of the zone which all seem pretty essential.

aburd commented 4 years ago

@scootyboots From what I can see from the mockups a journey would prob go:

Is this about right?

Added a new wireframe for interacting with a checked-in zone.

I think I may have missed it, but are there .pngs for this?

scootyboots commented 4 years ago

@aburd Yeah should be from this commit e905aa6221ecd02c219367f26420a541f6944a1c: mockups/map/hangzone-mockups-map-focused-checkedin-zone.png

A focused zone would just change depending on if you're checked into it or not. If you're not checked in then your only option is to check in. If you're checked in then you can invite new people, check out, make edits to title/description, update the location, and close the zone.

This creates the problem that anyone would be able to change or close out the existing zone. But the alternative is only giving permissions to the person who made it and/or people that person designates - then there is the issue of what if the person who made the zone wants to leave, do they pass on the ownership of the hang? What if the owner's phone dies or can't get reception to make changes to the zone?

Because of that, for the sake of simplicity, I think we should let anyone checked-in to a zone make changes to it and if that leads to problems then that's because you have shitty friends.

Person opening the app raw: a. Login -> User logs in, from here they always have ability to manage profile and friends list b. Map -> Shows public zones, can create new zone c1. Focused zone -> at this point could only be public zones: actions [check in] c2. Create new zone -> option to invite people as part of the create process c2.1 Focused zone -> created zone is put into focus: actions [invite friends, options[title, description, location, check out, close zone]]

Person coming from invite: a. login -> user logs in, from here they always have ability to manage profile and friends list b. Focus zone -> focus the zone which user was invited to: actions [check in] b1. Focus zone -> user now checked in: actions [invite friends, options[title, description, location, check out, close zone]]

Sorry if that doesn't make any sense, but it does in my head lol

aburd commented 4 years ago

c1. Focused zone -> at this point could only be public zones: actions [check in]

Or perhaps it could also show one's private zones as well?

aburd commented 4 years ago

Because of that, for the sake of simplicity, I think we should let anyone checked-in to a zone make changes to it and if that leads to problems then that's because you have shitty friends.

Sounds like communism to me! Harumph!

aburd commented 4 years ago

I would say this is a good base to start from. You may fire when ready.