hanggrian / socialview

Android TextView and EditText with hashtag, mention, and hyperlink support
Apache License 2.0
322 stars 81 forks source link

can someone help me to solve this problem #107

Closed saurav12bisht closed 2 years ago

saurav12bisht commented 2 years ago

FAILURE: Build completed with 8 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.

-------------------------------- Depedency i have used -----------------------------------------

implementation "com.hendraanggrian.appcompat:socialview:0.2" implementation "com.hendraanggrian.appcompat:socialview-commons:0.2"

hanggrian commented 2 years ago

Add maven url https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/ to allrepository/dependencies and change version to 0.1-SNAPSHOT.

saurav12bisht commented 2 years ago

Class referenced in the layout file, com.hendraanggrian.appcompat.widget.SocialAutoCompleteTextView, was not found in the project or the libraries Cannot resolve class com.hendraanggrian.appcompat.widget.SocialAutoCompleteTextView

------------------------------i created this text view and its marking it red------------------------------- <com.hendraanggrian.appcompat.widget.SocialAutoCompleteTextView

hanggrian commented 2 years ago

Open project tab in your IntelliJ Idea/Android Studio. On the end of the list there should be External Libraries, make sure you see socialview-commons there. Otherwise, the library has not yet been pulled.

Screen Shot 2021-08-05 at 20 04 56

hanggrian commented 2 years ago

Closed due to inactivity.