hangops / hangops-jobbot

A bot for Hangops #job_board channel
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Teach the bot how to use Google Docs #39

Open sntxrr opened 7 years ago

sntxrr commented 7 years ago

I found this in my travels: https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hubot-script-spreadsheet - pretty sure we could do some fancy stuff with it:

@hangops-jobbot search jobs remote

Which would search for entries that had "remote" tags.

sntxrr commented 7 years ago

When we teach the bot how to use Gdocs and we teach it to look for URL 404s, we should have the bot move expired listings into a separate sheet, and strike them through so as to NOT clutter the listings up.

cite-reader commented 7 years ago

When would the bot run that garbage collection? Seems more appropriate to put that in an unrelated job on a cron timer, to me.

sntxrr commented 7 years ago

I would imagine that it would probably run once a day - maybe more if warranted. Could be Ruby, Python or Node. My initial thoughts was to do Node since that is what the Bot is already written in. Perhaps that would be best since we'd like this to be portable to other hosts? Open to suggestions, and will approve any PR that solves this.