Theres no documentation about the filetype / structure of the database-export
Can it be opened with any Desktop-Application?
Feels like no control over my own diary.
It should be possible to access from outside the app.
If encryption is used it should please be documented so it can be unlocked on desktop with open-source tools.
Use-Case could be phone crash / lost and there is a synced backup on the desktop.
Makes me uninstall easy diary and look for another app, for now.
Still thank you for this easy, open source, offline Diary.
Exporting the Database gives me a backup file.
Theres no documentation about the filetype / structure of the database-export Can it be opened with any Desktop-Application?
Feels like no control over my own diary. It should be possible to access from outside the app. If encryption is used it should please be documented so it can be unlocked on desktop with open-source tools. Use-Case could be phone crash / lost and there is a synced backup on the desktop.
Makes me uninstall easy diary and look for another app, for now. Still thank you for this easy, open source, offline Diary.