Closed FutureWithoutEnding closed 1 year ago
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Code to reproduce the issue
import hanlp from hanlp import pretrained tokenizer_model = pretrained.tok.COARSE_ELECTRA_SMALL_ZH tokenizer = hanlp.load(tokenizer_model) toks = tokenizer("栏目下的一个节目,这个节目主要探讨的是英语口语的常用表达、词汇的起源和其背后的故事。") print(toks) constituency_model = pretrained.constituency.CTB9_CON_ELECTRA_SMALL parser = hanlp.load(constituency_model) tree = parser(toks) print(tree)
Describe the current behavior 为了好展示,修改了token是输出格式(为了代码的简洁,没有包含在演示代码中)
Expected behavior 保持原来的中文标点。
System information
Other info / logs None
感谢反馈,已经修复,请检查上面的commit是否解决了这个问题。 如果还有问题,欢迎重开issue。
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Code to reproduce the issue
Describe the current behavior 为了好展示,修改了token是输出格式(为了代码的简洁,没有包含在演示代码中)
Expected behavior 保持原来的中文标点。
System information
Other info / logs None