hankhank10 / vinylemulator

Emulate the tactile experience of a vinyl collection through your Sonos system, but with a back end run by Spotify
GNU General Public License v3.0
170 stars 29 forks source link

Adding the NFC reader path as a variable in usersettings.py #6

Closed Esamanoaz closed 4 years ago

Esamanoaz commented 4 years ago

My changes I added the NFC reader path as a variable in usersettings.py. This path is used in place of "usb" in readnfc.py (however, "usb" is still the default path so nothing changes for users who have their code working fine). The specific line of code changed is reader = nfc.ContactlessFrontend(usersettings.nfc_reader_path) on line 132. I also added instructions on how to find the new path in usersettings.py

Why did I change this? This seems like a common issue so I thought I would add this. I had this issue and so did another member of the r/vinylemulator

What error does this help fix? Sometimes people using vinyl emulator will get an error saying the NFC reader was not found.

Who am I? u/Esamanoaz on reddit