hankhank10 / vinylemulator

Emulate the tactile experience of a vinyl collection through your Sonos system, but with a back end run by Spotify
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mifare Classic support #8

Closed marco79cgn closed 4 years ago

marco79cgn commented 4 years ago


I set up everything without problems but when I tried to read my cards I recognized that Mifare Classic cards are not supported. Why not? I have plenty of them lying around (used for other projects as well). What's the problem with these cards?

Thx, Marco

hankhank10 commented 4 years ago

The underlying library (nfcpy) only supports NFC Forum Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 Tags. Mifare Classic cards are not supported as these use a proprietary encryption method.

See this answer for more details:
