hankmorgan / UnderworldExporter

Updated Release 27th Oct 2018 Unity based port of Ultima Underworld I and II. Download under releases
MIT License
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Items vanishing #70

Open cloudercoder opened 3 years ago

cloudercoder commented 3 years ago

There seem to be critical bugs in this game which leads to item vanishing. For example critical items such as recipe for rotworm stew or strong thread vanishes. This might be a result of item duplication. See the attached log for more details output_log.txt @hankmorgan

cloudercoder commented 3 years ago

This issue seems to be also affecting items in your equipment slots. For some reason any helmet or gauntlets won't stay longer than 1 minute and then they simply vanish!

DaRodus commented 3 years ago

I must say that items disappear when sorted in your inventory, they can also disappear when you put them on the ground. It seems to be a memory management problem, what I do is exit the game and reload it to get around the problem. :::BUG SPOILERS::
But there its something more critial, you can't open in LvL 4 a 3D mapped Chest near a water room with exclusive RUNE. Also in LvL 3 you cant open a 3D mapped Chest with the KEY OF COURAGE. So in this state you can't end the game. They need to work on this 3D Mapped Chest in UW1. @hankmorgan

cloudercoder commented 3 years ago

Also receiving dragon scale boots makes it impossible to save



DaRodus commented 3 years ago

you can jump and jump, no lava damage.

DaRodus commented 3 years ago

I have lesser problems with saving when i put DIR folder direct to the root, like C:\UW1

nbohr1more commented 3 years ago

The screen-shot looks like the original Underworld?

To be clear, this is a tool meant to allow Underworld maps to run under The Dark Mod engine.

DaRodus commented 3 years ago

ask to @hankmorgan

cloudercoder commented 3 years ago


I Just wanted to thank you guys who helped me. I managed to complete the game! 95% of the gameplay was played in Unity and the rest 5% were in the original game as there were some progression issues such as the 3d chests.

I also noticed that in the very end where you have to toss specific items to certain area --> won't allow you to proceed to the next area.

I'll leave this issue open as I think that the problem still exists


hankmorgan commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting these issues. Object management is undergoing a major overhaul at the moment. In trying to stay true to vanilla object management and backwards compatability the game is prone to a lot of these issues. Next release should be a bit better in this regard.

I think the dragon boots issue was fixed in code but not yet released in a build.