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Homography #14

Closed xiahaa closed 5 years ago

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

@xiaohanlyu Homography and other two view geometry may be a little bit complex for you. So it is a good idea that you read the lecture note of UiO in advanced.

xiahaa commented 5 years ago


When you finished, tell me. Then we will combine feature detection, matching, RANSAC and DLT.

hannaLyu commented 5 years ago

I already finished warp.

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

I already finished warp.

ok. Then you need to implement a RANSAC framework for homography estimation. You have all the information you need on the slides I gave you. So you can start right now. However, if you are not clear about what to do exactly. I will provide you some information perhaps this night.

After this, tell me again your progress.

hannaLyu commented 5 years ago

Ok i will try to do it now.

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

Ok i will try to do it now.

for better results, you need to add the following issues:

  1. normalization;
  2. ransac;

see updated docs.

Do normalization and RANSAC.

When you finish, tell me.

You are approximating the finishing line. Bon courage.

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

see results: stich 1 stich 2

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

Once you have done the normalization and ransac homography estimation. You should combine all things together.

  1. take two images;
  2. extract harris or fast, extract brief features;
  3. match;
  4. use ransac homography estimation;
  5. warping; You can start with two images. Multiple images can be left as an extra assignment for next week.
hannaLyu commented 5 years ago

Actually it's still unclear for me to combine RANSAC and Hest. function ||x2−Hx1||+||x1−H^(-1)x2|| is that a function to calculate for what distance? In my mind, When i choose 4 points from matching pairs, I should calculate distance as before i do. or i just use this function?

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

Actually it's still unclear for me to combine RANSAC and Hest. function ||x2−Hx1||+||x1−H^(-1)x2|| is that a function to calculate for what distance? In my mind, When i choose 4 points from matching pairs, I should calculate distance as before i do. or i just use this function?

so for ransac, what you need?

  1. minimum set of data (4 points here);
  2. you need a model and you know how to fit (H and DLT);
  3. metric that you can use to justify one point as inlier or outlier (for line fitting, you use point2line distance, for plane, you use point2plane distance, for homography, use ||x2−Hx1||+||x1−H^(-1)x2||). You can use a metric like ||x2−Hx1||, that should work also. However, in some famous books, ||x2−Hx1||+||x1−H^(-1)x2|| is the recommended metric.
hannaLyu commented 5 years ago

In my mind, i should use every ransac for each H matrix, like if i choose 500 times random correspondences and then get 500 numbers of H matrix, i will use RANSAC function for 500 times, But in this way my computer always calculate for a long time, so that's why i'm confusing. Maybe i should just choose only one H matrix and then go to ransac?

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

In my mind, i should use every ransac for each H matrix, like if i choose 500 times random correspondences and then get 500 numbers of H matrix, i will use RANSAC function for 500 times, But in this way my computer always calculate for a long time, so that's why i'm confusing. Maybe i should just choose only one H matrix and then go to ransac?


see my answer.

  1. you should adjust the maximum iteration number automatically. usually it will not run more than 500 times.
  2. I don't fully understand your post. So each time, you need to randomly sample 4 points, and then estimate a H using DLT, then use this H to all data to compute a metric in order to verify which is inlier and which is outlier. The three steps will iterate for a certain number of times.
  3. Even if you use fixed 500 times, I wouldn't say it will cost you a long time (I would say less than 5 seconds). So maybe you can upload your code. Then we will say why it is so slow.
hannaLyu commented 5 years ago

I upload the unfinished code. I think the problem is still in distance. Cause when i use H to all data, there are a loop in original loop , so maybe i have a misunderstanding in this metric.

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

I upload the unfinished code. I think the problem is still in distance. Cause when i use H to all data, there are a loop in original loop , so maybe i have a misunderstanding in this metric.

 for i=1:iter ????? why i:iter????
   a=H* X1(:,i);

shouldn't it be

for i = 1:number1
    a = H*X1(:,i);
    b = inv(H)*X2(:,i);

no need for loop since you are using homogeneous cooridnates

X1t = H*X1;
X2t = H\X2;
X1t = X1t./X1t(3,:);
X2t = X2t./X2t(3,:);% make 3rd coordinate being one. Why? Think about this.
distance = sqrt(diag((X1t - X1)'*(X1t - X1)))+ sqrt(diag((X2t - X2)'*(X2t - X2))); % why this? think about this.
hannaLyu commented 5 years ago

I still have question in distance, i plan to ask you tomorrow afternoon cause i have a class in the morning,

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

I still have question in distance, i plan to ask you tomorrow afternoon cause i have a class in the morning,


xiahaa commented 5 years ago

@xiaohanlyu 这个老师Christensen, David Johan以前有门课程叫什么modular robotics什么的,好像还挺有意思的。不过他离职去创业了。

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

To improve your interest, I suggest take some images using your phone, e.g. DTU 101 if you like?, and then make your own panorama. The tips for taking images:

  1. enough overlaps, at least 30% between frames;
hannaLyu commented 5 years ago

I create a new folder for my stitching codes. It seems inliers is ok but there has an error in Warp function. Maybe that's because my H matrix? I can't find bug now.

xiahaa commented 5 years ago
  1. see the first commit things changed: 1. use brief 256; 2. only consider match is a good match if the best matched score is 0.7 times smaller than the second best matched score. 3. You have a bug, you only check for u1 v1 but not for u2 v2
xiahaa commented 5 years ago
  1. see the second commit. You have made a siginifcant bug on RANSAC for homography.
    idx1 = randperm(number1,mini);
    x1 = X1(:,idx1);
    [T1,x1h] = normalization(x1);

    Why add this idx2 = randperm(number2,mini);x2 = X2(:,idx2); ? X1 X2已经成对了,你随机采样了x1,那么对应的x2就出来了。 你对二者都随机采样,不就打破了对照关系了么,那还能估计正确的H么?

第二个bug distance = sqrt(diag((X1t - X1)'*(X1t - X1)))+ sqrt(diag((X2t - X2)'*(X2t - X2))); X1t = HX1 那么X1t是和X2对应,你又把X1t和X1做差,这是什么意思?

xiahaa commented 5 years ago
  1. see the third commit. 需要将前两行互换,因为feature存的是v u,而warp的时候是按照u v来变换的。
xiahaa commented 5 years ago

It seems that you still have some problems with understanding RANSAC~

hannaLyu commented 5 years ago

现在我对ransac的理解:随机取一对比较对的坐标x1,x2,把x1进行homograph变换, 将变换后的坐标x1'与x2做差,寻找可以使最多变换后的坐标x1'接近原比较对中的x2的H矩阵. 这样对吗?

hannaLyu commented 5 years ago


xiahaa commented 5 years ago

现在我对ransac的理解:随机取一对比较对的坐标x1,x2,把x1进行homograph变换, 将变换后的坐标x1'与x2做差,寻找可以使最多变换后的坐标x1'接近原比较对中的x2的H矩阵. 这样对吗?

  1. 针对这个问题,你这么理解是对的。 这里x1 x2是成对支持H的,式子是x2^T-Hx1 = 0,你可以抽象的写作f(H,x'),这里x'=(x1,x2),x'是x1 +对应于x1的x2。

比如你哪天遇到一个问题,是x3 + Hx1 - x2 = 0,那么x'是x1+x1对应的x2+x1对应的x3。

  1. 将变换后的坐标x1'与x2做差,寻找可以使最多变换后的坐标x1'接近原比较对中的x2的H矩阵. 这样对吗?

要掌握原理,不是死记这个式子。还是这个例子x3 + Hx1 - x2 = 0,那么假如你算了一个H,怎么再去计算一个metric判断:对于当前的H,某一个x'={x1 x2 x3}是不是inlier? 你要把metric设计成x3 + Hx1 - x2。

xiahaa commented 5 years ago


imresize,downsize一下你的图像。 你手机拍的应该在2000万像素,太大了。

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

这个poisson blending可以做无缝的图像融合。 好像ps里面的智能剪刀后面就是这个算法。 跟课程没啥关系,你感兴趣就自己找几个图片试试。

xiahaa commented 5 years ago

另外,参照code。 尝试一下多图stitch。注意把相关代码换成你的code。