hannahdxz / STAT545-hw-Dong-Xinzhe

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Homework 03 is ready for grading #2

Open hannahdxz opened 6 years ago

hannahdxz commented 6 years ago

f916fa5 https://github.com/hannahdxz/STAT545-hw-Dong-Xinzhe/blob/master/hw03/hw03_Rmarkdown.md

winniewytse commented 6 years ago

Hi @hannahdxz, great job on your homework 03! Here are a few things I like about it,

  1. Good to write up a summary of observation and exploration of the data for each graph and table you give. Your summaries are concise and informative.
  2. Great illustration of the spread of GDP per capita within the continents with density plot and boxplot, and I like the way you make each continent distinguishable with different colours. Good try!
  3. You gave every graph a clear title with the function lab() that makes them more reader-friendly 👍
  4. Good try on customizing your own theme on the plot life expectancy vs. year on different continents.


I would recommend making a boxplot rather than a scatterplot for the maximum and minimum of GDP per capita for all continents. Boxplot can clearly show the mean, max, and min and can make an easy comparison of the spread of each continent. (but you did that on the following task so that works too!)

Overall, this is an awesome assignment.

vanflad commented 6 years ago


My apologies that my peer review is a day late but I did not have access to this repo and I only found the message she sent to me on slack today linking me to the appropriate HW repo once I was added as a contributor, since it was previously private.

I'd mark this homework a check-plus because you certainly went above in beyond in terms of tackling all 5 problems rather than the minimum 3 and you also tried the other types of tables that one can format, under the "I want to do more!" section. So I agree with the peer review above that you did a terrific job with your graphs and tables and you also explained your process really well with one link to a site you used for help, and it's so great that I have no recommendations! And I will definitely try to go above and beyond in my future assignments just like you did here!



Hi @vanflad

Thank you for giving me the peer review!

I sent you the invitation last week, but I don't know why you did not receive that one, and I also tried to reach you yesterday on github and slack. Sorry about that!

I think your peer review is not late, the peer review is due today. I just saw it on the website cm011 2017-10-10 Tuesday overview.

Thanks! Xinzhe