hannahdxz / STAT545-hw-Dong-Xinzhe

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hw06 ready for grading #5

Open hannahdxz opened 6 years ago

hannahdxz commented 6 years ago



xinyaofan commented 6 years ago

Hello! Hanna, I am really happy to review your homework and I think you did a really great job!

There are some really good things in your homework:

Some improvements:

emwest commented 6 years ago

First, you have a really easy to navigate repo. I appreciate how you set up your Readme with links directly to your homework documents.

Your hard work is quite evident in the first part of the assignment. Working with nested dataframes is tricky and having not chosen this option I learned a lot from your homework! I appreciate how you not only developed a nested data frame with gapminder, but you also showed how to back out of one using the unnest() function. You also implemented many of the functions, including graphics, that were highlighted earlier in the semester. While I am not as sure as the other reviewer about the nuances of the statistics, your graphics are very clear and well represented, especially your faceted figures. You optimized clarity in the challenge portion by expressing your output in table form and following with a brief comment.

Having done the stringr exercise myself, I would have liked to seen you pick a few more exercises and maybe a couple of the more challenging options. Based on the earlier part of your homework, your proficiency in this stuff is clear. Overall this is a really strong homework submission! Nice job

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @hannahdxz ! Here are some comments about your hw06:

Note: your mark (check minus, check, check plus) will be distributed later.