hannahdxz / STAT545-hw-Dong-Xinzhe

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hw10 ready for grading #9

Open hannahdxz opened 6 years ago

hannahdxz commented 6 years ago

the link to hw10 README

the link to the hw10.md

SHA: 11cdbb0

arthursunbao commented 6 years ago

Hi @hannahdxz

Thank you for your effort in the work and finish the final assignment, which is nicely done. Congrats!

For your hw10.md, for the function get_movie_TY(), I like your using glue() to make the function available to all strings, which is nicely done.

for the full_join() of all the movie dataframe, It is right that you use full_join(), which showed your understanding of the difference between inner_join(), full_join(), outer_join(), which is nicely done, also you can use drop_na() which will drop the n/a columns if needed.

As I am also working on the dataset, you can try to download some movie series like "Transformers", "Star Trek", which can be a series of movies of similiar rates and could be more convincing comparing to completely different movies.

For the scrape_web, html_nodes(), html_text() are used, which showed your understanding of rvest, which is nice. Str_replace(), str_trim() is used to do string manipulation. get_cast(), get_director() and get_rate() are respectively defined to simplify the whole function, which showed your mastery of working with functions.

Furthermore, I would suggest that you have more data visualization and plotting as you were more working with data extraction and table manipulation. ggplot() would be a good choice for your data visualization for your reference.

Overall, it is a very nicely done work and have a nice holiday!

Regards Jason

arsbar24 commented 6 years ago

Hi Hannah,

I like how you demonstrated a knowledge of both scraping the web and using an API. Your work showed a comfort with both of these methods as well as with a variety of functions, and your analysis showed that your dataset was correctly collected. In this sense your assignment is well done and has little I see that could be improved upon. (It was also interesting to see that apparently Frozen is in Icelandic as well?)

However, most of your analysis amounts mostly to searching the dataset, and I personally would've liked to see more complex analysis done with your data. For example, to do a comparison between genre and rating/run-time.

But ultimately I think your work completes what was asked in the assignment in a nice and straightforward manner.

Congratulations on finishing the semester and happy holidays! Alistair

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @hannahdxz, here are some comments about your hw10:

Task(s) selected: Make API queries “by hand”, Scrape data Data stored as file ready for downstream analysis: Yes Basic Exploration: Somewhat (no plots) Reflection: Yes

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