hannes / MonetDBLite

MonetDB reconfigured as a library
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divide cran_replacements into many small scripts on mini-sisyphus #134

Open ajdamico opened 7 years ago

ajdamico commented 7 years ago

following work started at https://github.com/MonetDB/eanthony/issues/61

ajdamico commented 7 years ago

old script that needs to be divvied up


if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows' ) options("pkgType"='both')

replace_sqlite_with_monetdblite_in_cran_pkgs <-
    function( package_name ){

        if ( !exists( "download_cached" ) ){
                # load the download_cached and related functions
                # to prevent re-downloading of files once they've been downloaded.
                    "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajdamico/asdfree/master/Download%20Cache/download%20cache.R" , 
                    prompt = FALSE , 
                    echo = FALSE 

        tf <- tempfile()

        # identify the source filepath and the package suggestions
        cran_page <- readLines( paste0( "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/" , package_name , "/index.html" ) )
        cran_version <- gsub( '<td>|</td>' , '' , cran_page[ grep( "Version:" , cran_page ) + 1 ] )
        package_source <- paste0( "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/" , package_name , "_" , cran_version , ".tar.gz" )

        # download the package suggestions
        if( length( grep( "Suggests:" , cran_page ) ) > 0 ){
            cran_suggests <- gsub( "(.*)>(.*)<(.*)" , "\\2" , strsplit( gsub( '<td>|</td>' , '' , cran_page[ grep( "Suggests:" , cran_page ) + 1 ] ) , "," )[[1]] )
            missing_packages <- cran_suggests[ !cran_suggests %in% rownames(installed.packages()) ]

            # some packages are not available on windows, so just do yer best
            if( length( missing_packages ) > 0 ) try( install.packages( missing_packages , repos = "http://cran.rstudio.com/" , verbose = FALSE , quiet = TRUE ) , silent = TRUE )

        # download the package source file
        download_cached( package_source , tf , mode = 'wb' )

        untar( tf , exdir = tempdir() )

        local_file_path <- file.path( tempdir() , package_name )

        unzipped_files <- 
                local_file_path , 
                recursive = TRUE , 
                full.names = TRUE 

        # check for dependencies not currently available
        failed_dep <- try( devtools::load_all(local_file_path) , silent = TRUE )

        if( class( failed_dep ) == 'try-error' ){

            prior_missing <- ''
            missing_packages <- NULL

            while( !identical( missing_packages , prior_missing ) ){

                missing_packages <- gsub( "(.*)Dependency package (.*) not available(.*)" , "\\2" , failed_dep[1] )

                install.packages( missing_packages , repos = "http://cran.rstudio.com/" , verbose = FALSE , quiet = TRUE )

                prior_missing <- missing_packages

                failed_dep <- try( devtools::load_all(local_file_path) , silent = TRUE )

                missing_packages <- gsub( "(.*)Dependency package (.*) not available(.*)" , "\\2" , failed_dep[1] )



        # using the package source from cran, figure out the errors in the current version using RSQLite #

        # before without run don't test or vignettes
        before_output <- devtools::check( local_file_path , quiet = TRUE , vignettes = FALSE )

        # before without run don't test
        try( before_output <- devtools::check( local_file_path , quiet = TRUE ) , silent = TRUE )

        # before with run don't test
        try( before_output <- devtools::check( local_file_path , run_dont_test = TRUE , quiet = TRUE ) , silent = TRUE )

        # overwrite RSQLite with MonetDBLite
        # THEN
        # overwrite SQLite with MonetDBLite
        for( this_file in unzipped_files ){

            w <- readLines( this_file )
            w <- gsub( "RSQLite" , "MonetDBLite" , w )
            w <- gsub( "SQLiteDriver" , "MonetDBLite" , w )
            w <- gsub( "SQLite" , "MonetDBLite" , w )
            writeLines( w , this_file , sep = '\n' )


        # using the package source from cran, figure out the errors in the current version using MonetDBLite #

        # before without run don't test or vignettes
        after_output <- devtools::check( local_file_path , quiet = TRUE , vignettes = FALSE )

        # before without run don't test
        try( after_output <- devtools::check( local_file_path , quiet = TRUE ) , silent = TRUE )

        # before with run don't test
        try( after_output <- devtools::check( local_file_path , run_dont_test = TRUE , quiet = TRUE ) , silent = TRUE )

        # moment of truth: did overwriting MonetDBLite with RSQLite affect anything?
        for( i in c( 'errors' , 'warnings' , 'notes' ) ){

            if( !identical( before_output[ i ] , after_output[ i ] ) ){

                cat( "\n\n\nbefore SQLite -> MonetDBLite replacement\n\n\n" )
                print( before_output[ i ] )
                cat( "\n\n\nafter SQLite -> MonetDBLite replacement\n\n\n" )
                print( after_output[ i ] )



        # if the before vs after objects are the same, return NULL else return the after-object
        if( identical( before_output , after_output ) ) invisible( NULL ) else after_output

# works july 2nd, 2016
# replace_sqlite_with_monetdblite_in_cran_pkgs( 'twitteR' )

# replace_sqlite_with_monetdblite_in_cran_pkgs( 'trackeR' )
# replace_sqlite_with_monetdblite_in_cran_pkgs( 'poplite' )
# replace_sqlite_with_monetdblite_in_cran_pkgs( 'survey' )

# pull sqlite reverse imports line
cran_page <- readLines( "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RSQLite/index.html" )
RSQLite_reverse_imports <- gsub( "(.*)>(.*)<(.*)" , "\\2" , strsplit( gsub( '<td>|</td>' , '' , cran_page[ grep( "imports:" , cran_page ) + 1 ] ) , "," )[[1]] )
RSQLite_reverse_depends <- gsub( "(.*)>(.*)<(.*)" , "\\2" , strsplit( gsub( '<td>|</td>' , '' , cran_page[ grep( "depends:" , cran_page ) + 1 ] ) , "," )[[1]] )
RSQLite_reverse_suggests <- gsub( "(.*)>(.*)<(.*)" , "\\2" , strsplit( gsub( '<td>|</td>' , '' , cran_page[ grep( "suggests:" , cran_page ) + 1 ] ) , "," )[[1]] )

# full to-do list:

for( j in c( RSQLite_reverse_imports , RSQLite_reverse_depends , RSQLite_reverse_suggests ) ) {

    print( paste( "currently attempting" , j ) )

    a <- try( b <- replace_sqlite_with_monetdblite_in_cran_pkgs( j ) , silent = TRUE )

    if( class( a ) == 'try-error' ) print( a )

hannes commented 7 years ago

Should this issue not be filed there: https://github.com/MonetDB/eanthony