hannesbraun / ayaya

Testing tool for the Open Sound Control protocol
Boost Software License 1.0
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Feature\Docs Request: oscdump and oscsend #1

Open CastixGitHub opened 2 years ago

CastixGitHub commented 2 years ago

liblo provides oscdump and oscsend and oscsendfile


It also says that them are incompatible with the ones from Matt Wright https://web.archive.org/web/20170823074534/http://cnmat.org/OpenSoundControl/dumpOSC.html https://web.archive.org/web/20170823073917/http://cnmat.org/OpenSoundControl/clients/sendOSC.html

I recorded some osc messages with oscdump but, since the messages are timestamped, I couldn't find an option in oscsend to reset them at the time of playing.

Having equivalent commands in ayaya would be great Can you also provide some example usage in the readme? thanks!

hannesbraun commented 2 years ago

I'm probably still rather busy in the following days. After that, I may find the time to add some example usage and add your requested feature.

If I understood you correctly, you want to record and replay OSC messages, right?

CastixGitHub commented 2 years ago

If I understood you correctly, you want to record and replay OSC messages, right?

Yes. I plan to collaborate with other people by thending them the osc recordings, so they should be able to play the messages in the future, this means oscsend needs to recalculate the timestamp of every message before it starts.

I'd like to keep compatibility with the format used by the liblo implementation