This repository hosts the course website of Tilburg University's open education class on "Data Preparation and Workflow Management" (dPrep) - start managing your empirical research projects efficiently!
Students enrolled in []() and []() can obtain bonus points for working on this question (with a maximum of .5 on their final grade, see course syllabi).
Successfully solving this issue within one week of posting it will account for .1 points, which includes up to two revision requests.
If you'd like to work on this issue, please post a brief description about how you plan to tackle it, in how much time, etc. Usually, the one who posts first gets to work on the issue. If more students request to work on this issue, the course coordinator will decide based on the proposed solutions.
Solving this PR after the deadline halves the obtainable points.
and why it's good to use it (you may look around on the web for some insights)Bonus point policy for