hannesdatta / course-odcm

This repository hosts the course website of Tilburg University's open education class on "Online Data Collection and Management" (oDCM) - learn how to collect web data for your empirical research projects!
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Adapt passing guidelines from dprep to this course #63

Closed hannesdatta closed 2 years ago

hannesdatta commented 2 years ago

Dear Hannes,

I still have a question regarding the passing requirements for the course: Online Data Collection and Management.

For the main exam I had a 5.0 and for the team project a 7.5. What I have seen until now, in other courses I have been attending in my bachelor and also master program at Tilburg University, is that the passing requirement of the main exam is always set on a 5 or higher if there was an additional assignment (like a group project, or individual assignments). This in combination that the overall grade would be 5.5 or higher.

So in the first place I was rather happy, because I thought that I passed the course. But then later on I noticed that I failed to pass, because of the 5.5 passing requirement for the exam.

Now my question is, is that not a bit harsh as the exam and project are both assessed as 50% each of the grade? In my opinion, the passing requirements of the team project are less valuable as the main exam. E.g. If my grades were the other way around, a 7.5 for the exam and a 5 for the team project, then I would have passed the course. I also understand why you would include a specific passing requirement for the exam, to make it harder for free riders in the team project to pass the course. But I don't understand that the passing requirement of the exam grade is set to be higher than a 5.5 because in that case, you have actually nothing on compensating by the team project.

hannesdatta commented 2 years ago

See https://github.com/hannesdatta/course-dprep/blob/2022/content/docs/course/syllabus.md