hannesholst / marble-blast

WebGL port of Marble Blast using Three.js & Physi.js
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Bug #1

Open cshaa opened 10 years ago

cshaa commented 10 years ago

Hi! I'm glad to see a new html5/WebGL game in progress! However in Firefox no other key than 'D' seems to work. Also waiting under the elevator until it goes down causes a deadlock. I'm looking forward to a stable version!

hannesholst commented 10 years ago


I'm amazed that someone found my little project and got it running :D It was a small proof-of-concept I wrote during my time in college as a project for Chrome users. I'm glad you liked it, however there won't be a stable version since I discontinued developing it... If you like you can fork it and continue coding on it :)

Kind regards, Hannes Holst

cshaa commented 10 years ago

Thanks for offer :) I'll probably start another Physi.js project - WebGL Snowboarding. When I was a child (not that long ago), I loved playing SSX snowboarding. Somebody should revive it! :)