hannesmann / vanillafixes

Client modification for WoW 1.12.1 to eliminate stutter and animation lag
MIT License
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character disappearing #21

Closed Bazax123 closed 9 months ago

Bazax123 commented 12 months ago

My character disappears in closed rooms, e.g. instances, buildings, under bridges. This happens when I use dxvk and when I don't use it. I tried reinstalling gpu drivers and this addon but it doesn't help.

hannesmann commented 12 months ago

This is a game bug that occurs if you have too much FPS.

Enable V-sync or, if you're using DXVK, lock the framerate by editing dxvk.conf:

d3d9.maxFrameRate = 120 # or 144, 165, etc
Avery1337 commented 11 months ago

Enabling V-sync worked for me. Thanks