hannesmann / vanillafixes

Client modification for WoW 1.12.1 to eliminate stutter and animation lag
MIT License
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NPC movement glitch at high FPS. #29

Open Daribon opened 9 months ago

Daribon commented 9 months ago

I've noticed that the 1.12.1 client causes a graphical glitch on NPC waypoints and random movement when you run very high FPS. When NPCs move they will teleport about a yard up in the air for a few milliseconds.

The higher your FPS, the more it happens. On 300+ fps it happens constantly. To prevent it from rarely ever happening, limit framerate to maximum of 144 fps.

Not actual bug with vanillafixes but something that only happens with vanillafixes since it allows the client to reach very high FPS. This issue is only here to remind people to not run the game without limiting FPS.