hannesmann / vanillafixes

Client modification for WoW 1.12.1 to eliminate stutter and animation lag
MIT License
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Working with 'VanillaTweaks' ? #5

Open zyzolol opened 1 year ago

zyzolol commented 1 year ago

Does this work with 'VanillaTweaks' https://github.com/brndd/vanilla-tweaks/releases

If so, how do you combine them?

geojak commented 1 year ago

you tweak your exe then rename it exactl to WoW.exe. works

hannesmann commented 1 year ago

you tweak your exe then rename it exactl to WoW.exe

This works, you can also drag and drop WoW_tweaked.exe over VanillaFixes.exe.

QuadrozZz commented 1 year ago

Low fps then With tweaks: https://imgur.com/JXiJIxQ Without tweaks: https://imgur.com/Mkm2bNM

QuadrozZz commented 1 year ago

Can you add please autoloot option? And if is it possible option for nameplates range would be good.

geojak commented 1 year ago

Use the command lines of vanilla tweaks to generate and exe with only the hacks you want liek autoloot but not far view and other performance lowering mods.

hannesmann commented 1 year ago

Low fps then

I don't think VanillaFixes is being loaded in the first screenshot. Did you try to drag and drop WoW_tweaked.exe over VanillaFixes.exe? (you can see what executable is running in Task Manager)

Can you add please autoloot option? And if is it possible option for nameplates range would be good.

I'm not adding anything to VanillaFixes that could get you banned by Warden. I've already confirmed vanilla-tweaks works so there's no need for an option in VanillaFixes.

WuVenus commented 9 months ago

Rename wow.exe to enter the game login interface file corruption

GnomeBeans commented 9 months ago

To answer a few questions for this thread.

  1. If using lutris you can launch vanillafixes.exe and for argument pass the directory for wow_tweaked.exe "path/to/directory/wow_tweaked.exe"

I used vanilla tweaks against WoW.exe not against vanillafixes.exe which will give me an error if I try.

  1. If you experience low fps its probably the frill density due to the change to grass distance. I was seeing fps drops when facing toward a grassy area and improvement facing the camera away. In game run /console frilldensity 64. This should keep it above 144. Prior was drops low as 60fps.