hannesmannerheim / qvitter

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Center button, paste in linux. #82

Open gurumelo opened 9 years ago

gurumelo commented 9 years ago

If you use center button, inside textarea, crazy.

llebegue commented 9 years ago

If you are using Iceweasel/Firefox on linux the middle mouse button (which is normally made to paste things in linux) will launch a mouse scrolling tool. This is a way to scroll the page using mouse mouvement instead of page up/down. If it is what you call crazy then I think that it is not due to qvitter plugin.

gurumelo commented 9 years ago

sorry, i am a bit crazy

hannesmannerheim commented 9 years ago

i don't have a mouse so i can't test this properly to see what's wrong..

gllmhyt commented 9 years ago

Not related to Qvitter but to Linux / the Display Manager / the web browser., as @llebegue said.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Actually, this is a behaviour because the queet-box isn't a 'textarea' element. At least in Iceweasel/Firefox.

This can be tested in GNU/Linux using middle-button emulation (i.e. pressing both left and right mouse button at the same time). It should paste the content of the clipboard buffer from previously selected text (same content as shift+insert gives, not necessarily the same as Ctrl+V).

Because you're not middleclicking a textarea element, the clipboard buffer will not be pasted. Try for example pasting a URL like this, then you will (at least in Iceweasel) go to the URL when you thought you would paste it.

If there is a bug here, it would be that textarea elements are the preferred method for content. That however makes it a bit hard to do preview-markup for mentions and tags. Wordpress et al. have however solved that issue - though I have no idea how or if it's hard.

hannesmannerheim commented 9 years ago

i don't think it's too hard to hijack the middle button and make it paste into contenteditable. i'll se if i can make it work. but i don't have a mouse so i'll be fumbling in the dark

hannesmannerheim commented 9 years ago

and if somebody tries this before i get the chance. it's not straightforward. you first have to understand how the syntax highlighting works. it's three synched contenteditables layered on top of eachother. the top one has transparent text and is sem-transparent, the middle one has visible html stuff, the bottom one is the one your typing in...

ghost commented 9 years ago

I've got a laptop and "middleclick" by doing a simultaneous Left+Right click on the touchpad works just fine for this.

Of course only available in X.org environment (dunno about Wayland). So whoever tries this will have to run GNU/Linux or similar to test it properly.

hannesmannerheim commented 9 years ago

i got a middle click simulation to work now. it seems to work when the queet box is expanded, so it's only when middle clicking on the not-expanded queet box that the behaviour is "crazy", right?

i can't find a way to trigger a paste, but instead i make the queet box expand on middle click. then you can middle click again to paste.

ghost commented 9 years ago

This now expands the queet box on middle-click but won't paste anything for me in Iceweasel at least.

But I guess the real issue would be "implement a rich text box like Wordpress et al", which I would personally say have a lot lower priority than the moderation stuff :]

hannesmannerheim commented 9 years ago

good luck finding a rich text box library that fit our syntax highlighting needs! i've spend many hours trying different libraries, before resorting to making my own. at the beginning of qvitter i used "codemirror" for this, which worked fairly well, but not at all in android. my solution is actually pretty clever! but it needs documentation. maybe i'll make it a little project of its own.

hannesmannerheim commented 8 years ago

reported not working https://gnusocial.de/notice/6964459