hannojg / react-native-box2d

JSI port of the Box2D physics engine for React Native.
MIT License
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Add circle shape #1

Closed tomekzaw closed 1 year ago

tomekzaw commented 1 year ago

This PR exposes b2CircleShape and SetRadius method.


SpawnCirclesScreen.tsx ```tsx import * as React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Dimensions, StatusBar, Platform } from 'react-native'; import { b2World, Box2d } from 'react-native-box2d'; import { Skia, Canvas, Group, Rect, useClockValue, useValue, useComputedValue, useTouchHandler, Circle, } from '@shopify/react-native-skia'; import StaticSafeAreaInsets from 'react-native-static-safe-area-insets'; const { width: screenWidth, height: _screenHeight } = Dimensions.get('window'); // TODO: probably better to do that with onLayout const screenHeight = Platform.select({ ios: _screenHeight, android: // note: my hack of getting the correct screen height on android Dimensions.get('screen').height - StaticSafeAreaInsets.safeAreaInsetsBottom - // only needed bc status bar not translucent! (StatusBar.currentHeight ?? 0), }) ?? 0; const widthInMm = 8; const mmToPxFactor = screenWidth / widthInMm; const pxToMmFactor = widthInMm / screenWidth; const heightInMm = screenHeight * pxToMmFactor; const boxSizeMm = 1; const boxSizePx = Math.ceil(boxSizeMm * mmToPxFactor); const degreeToRadFactor = Math.PI / 180; // random int inclusive const randomInt = (min: number, max: number) => Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min; const Box = ({ world, registerStepListener, }: { world: b2World; registerStepListener: (listener: () => unknown) => () => void; }) => { const boxWorldPos = useValue({ y: 4, x: randomInt(boxSizeMm, widthInMm - boxSizeMm), angle: randomInt(0, 180) * degreeToRadFactor, }); const boxMatrix = useComputedValue(() => { const matrix = Skia.Matrix(); // important, translate first matrix.translate( boxWorldPos.current.x * mmToPxFactor, boxWorldPos.current.y * mmToPxFactor ); return matrix; }, [boxWorldPos]); React.useEffect(() => { // create a dynamic body const bodyDef = Box2d.b2BodyDef(); bodyDef.type = 2; // b2_dynamicBody bodyDef.position = Box2d.b2Vec2( boxWorldPos.current.x, boxWorldPos.current.y ); bodyDef.angle = boxWorldPos.current.angle; const body = world.CreateBody(bodyDef); // attach const dynamicCircle = Box2d.b2CircleShape(); dynamicCircle.SetRadius(boxSizeMm / 2); // fixture const fixtureDef = Box2d.b2FixtureDef(); fixtureDef.shape = dynamicCircle; fixtureDef.density = 1; fixtureDef.friction = 0.3; body.CreateFixture(fixtureDef); return registerStepListener(() => { // update the binding const pos = body.GetPosition(); boxWorldPos.current = { x: pos.x, y: pos.y, angle: body.GetAngle(), }; // console.log( // `x: ${boxWorldPos.current.x.toFixed( // 2 // )}, y: ${boxWorldPos.current.y.toFixed( // 2 // )}, rotation: ${boxWorldPos.current.angle.toFixed(2)}` // ); }); }, [boxWorldPos, registerStepListener, world]); return ( ); }; // TODO: the box hits the floor earlier than visible export const SpawnBoxes = () => { const clock = useClockValue(); /** * Important note: the top (y) of thw world is "0", while the bottom is "heightInMm" (e.g. 12) */ console.log(`World in meters:\nWidth: ${widthInMm}\nHeight: ${heightInMm}`); const groundBoxHeightMm = 1; // Reproduction from: https://box2d.org/documentation/md__d_1__git_hub_box2d_docs_hello.html const world = React.useMemo(() => { const gravityVec = Box2d.b2Vec2(0, 10); // close to earth gravity return Box2d.b2World(gravityVec); }, []); const stepListeners = React.useRef<(() => unknown)[]>([]); React.useEffect(() => { // create ground const groundBodyDef = Box2d.b2BodyDef(); groundBodyDef.position = Box2d.b2Vec2( widthInMm / 2, heightInMm - groundBoxHeightMm ); const groundBody = world.CreateBody(groundBodyDef); // ground polygon const groundBox = Box2d.b2PolygonShape(); // The SetAsBox function takes the half-**width** and half-**height** (extents). groundBox.SetAsBox(widthInMm, groundBoxHeightMm / 2); groundBody.CreateFixture2(groundBox, 0); // Start 🙌 const timeStep = 1 / 60; const velocityIterations = 6; const positionIterations = 2; const remove = clock.addListener(() => { // simulate world.Step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations); // call listeners (NOTE: i think this call happens on the JS thread) stepListeners.current.forEach((listener) => listener()); }); clock.start(); return remove; }, [clock, stepListeners, world]); const registerStepListener = React.useCallback( (listener: () => unknown) => { stepListeners.current.push(listener); return () => { const index = stepListeners.current.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { stepListeners.current.splice(index, 1); } }; }, [stepListeners] ); const [boxCount, setBoxCount] = React.useState(0); const touchHandler = useTouchHandler({ onStart: () => { setBoxCount((prev) => prev + 1); }, }); return ( {Array.from({ length: boxCount }).map((_, index) => ( ))} {/* Ground box */} ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { height: screenHeight, width: screenWidth, }, }); ```

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hannojg commented 1 year ago

Hey @tomekzaw cool that someone else is also making use of that code 😄 I don't really have time right now to test the changes, but they look good, so I'll just merge it for now 😊 May I ask what you are using the code for? Just curios (I tried to build a react native game engine)

tomekzaw commented 1 year ago

Hey @hannojg, thanks for this lib! I'm using it for Reanimated 3 examples, will post it on Twitter soon 😄 I'll submit two or three more PRs, just wanted to keep things organized 😄