Course Catalog - homepage badge border colors specified in color-mapping Block fail to appear if Class Name is more than one word or doesn't match College Name #9
In the ADDITIONAL CSS region of the homepage, the "/_resources/color mapping" Block is combined with the "/_cms/formats/velocity/color-mapping" Format to generate an inline style tag. That Format uses the "Class Name" field in the Block to generate the CSS classes and their colors.
However, in the DEFAULT region, the "/_cms/formats/velocity/catalog/catalog-landing" Format which is responsible for outputting the badges and their class attribute values, does NOT use the "Class Name" field from the "color-mapping" Block and instead just uses the "College Name" for both the badge label and class attribute value.
Because of this:
the "Class Name" must be a single word (no hyphens)
the "College Name" must match the "Class Name"
For multi-word college names, you can build in special cases in the "catalog-landing" Format so that the class attribute value matches the "Class Name" in the style tag:
In the
region of the homepage, the "/_resources/color mapping" Block is combined with the "/_cms/formats/velocity/color-mapping" Format to generate an inline style tag. That Format uses the "Class Name" field in the Block to generate the CSS classes and their colors.However, in the
region, the "/_cms/formats/velocity/catalog/catalog-landing" Format which is responsible for outputting the badges and their class attribute values, does NOT use the "Class Name" field from the "color-mapping" Block and instead just uses the "College Name" for both the badge label and class attribute value.Because of this:
For multi-word college names, you can build in special cases in the "catalog-landing" Format so that the class attribute value matches the "Class Name" in the style tag: