hannshu / stCluster

Accurate spatial domain deciphering for spatially resolved transcriptomics with stCluster
MIT License
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论文code咨询 #3

Open oooo111 opened 1 month ago

oooo111 commented 1 month ago

作者你好,在您的code中关于对比学习损失的复现中,其中分母是(cross_sim.sum(dim=1) + inter_sim.sum(dim=1) - cross_sim.diag())),但是在您的论文公式中分母是三项相加,请问是我的理解不对嘛。谢谢

hannshu commented 1 month ago

oooo111 您好,感谢您的提醒,我们已经注意到文中公式的错误,后续将对错误的公式进行勘误,文中公式6将修正为以下形式:

$$ l(u_i) = \log(\frac{e^{(u_i \cdot vi) / \tau}}{\sum{k \neq i} e^{(u_i \cdot vk) / \tau} + \sum{k} e^{(u_i \cdot u_k) / \tau}}) $$


Hi oooo111,

Thank you for your reminder. We have noticed the errors in this formula mentioned in the article, and a correction will be made accordingly. Formula 6 will be revised as follows:

$$ l(u_i) = \log(\frac{e^{(u_i \cdot vi) / \tau}}{\sum{k \neq i} e^{(u_i \cdot vk) / \tau} + \sum{k} e^{(u_i \cdot u_k) / \tau}}) $$

Thank you again for your attention. Regarding your questions about the denominator in the formula and the code:

oooo111 commented 1 month ago


oooo111 commented 1 month ago


hannshu commented 1 month ago


oooo111 commented 1 week ago

作者你好,我注意到在论文《Graph Contrastive Learning with Adaptive Augmentation》中关于图对比学习的损失函数分母是三项相加,与您的论文stCluster公式相符,但是代码上体现的是两个损失(ui,vk)+(ui,uk),这使得我有些疑惑,请问您能给我解答下吗。感谢!