hanqiu-hq / MAD

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How to Change Backbone Networks in Your Code (ViT, Swin, ResNet) #2

Open 2018cx opened 2 months ago

2018cx commented 2 months ago

Great work on the paper! I have a quick question regarding the implementation. In the paper, you mentioned that several backbone networks like ViT, Swin, and ResNet were used. Could you please clarify how to change the backbone in the provided code? Is it possible to switch the backbone directly through the configuration file, or does it require other modifications in the code?

hanqiu-hq commented 2 months ago

Hi, thanks for your appreciation of our work. You can directly modify the config file to change the backbone if they have been implemented by detrex or detectron2. For your reference, I have updated two config files for MAD with other backbones. projects/mad/model/config_swinb_300ep.py