hansemannn / titanium-firebase-analytics

Use the Firebase Analytics SDK in Axway Titanium 🚀
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[iOS] Support Ads framework #3

Closed chmiiller closed 6 years ago

chmiiller commented 6 years ago

First of all I would like to thank you for this awesome module. I've been using it for iOS for 2 weeks already and everything seems to work perfect! I'm setting my user properties on Firebase analytics and I'm missing some of them like gender or age. Then I found this message on Firebase's iOS documentation:

The Age, Gender, and Interests properties are automatically collected only if your app links to the Ad Support framework. Linking to this framework also automatically collects the Advertising Identifier (IDFA).

I have no idea how to set this property on my Titanium iOS app, can you give me some help? If this is something to be implemented I can have a deep look at the module although I'm not very good on native Obj-c code 😬


hansemannn commented 6 years ago

Thanks Carlos, happy this project is adopted already! Let me take a quick peek into supporting it. Technically, if you append the -framework AdSupport in the module.xcconfig, the framework will be linked and the Firebase console should show it.

hansemannn commented 6 years ago

=> New Release 1.1.0