hansemannn / titanium-firebase-analytics

Use the Firebase Analytics SDK in Axway Titanium 🚀
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iOS ** BUILD FAILED **, Android crash #5

Closed argum closed 7 years ago

argum commented 7 years ago


I have added firebase.core && firebase.analytics module in my Appcelerator App (SDK 6.3.0.GA)

The build fails on iOS (real iPhone 6S and iPhone 5S simulator) with the same error message:

[ERROR] : BUILD FAILED [ERROR] : The following build commands failed: [ERROR] : Ld build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/appName.app/appName normal x86_64 [ERROR] : (1 failure)

No other modules are been added to this project.

On android, app compiles but it shows an error:

Uncaught com.google.android.gms.commo.internal.zzby FirebaseCore.configure().

Do I need any extra module in order to work?


hansemannn commented 7 years ago

You need to include the titanium-firebase-core module as well, also the ti.playservices module for Android.

argum commented 7 years ago

Hello hansemannn, thanks for your quick reply. Howevery, both are included:

    <module platform="android">firebase.core</module>
    <module platform="iphone">firebase.analytics</module>
    <module platform="android">firebase.analytics</module>

Could you please give me any idea?