hansemannn / titanium-firebase-analytics

Use the Firebase Analytics SDK in Axway Titanium 🚀
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Bug on param "value" of event "ecommerce_purchase" in android #50

Closed LudoFont closed 3 years ago

LudoFont commented 5 years ago

Hi, I log the event "ecommerce_purchase" in my iOS/android app, and for every event logged in android, i have the following firebase_error for the parameter named "value" : 18 : Invalid value parameter type

In this event, the param "value" must be a double, and i have no problems when my code is executed in my iOS app, i make sure to use a parseFloat() in my code :

FirebaseAnalytics.log('ecommerce_purchase', {
        transaction_id: transaction_id,
        location: location,
        value: parseFloat(cmd.total),
        currency: 'EUR'

Can you do something about this issue please ?

hansemannn commented 3 years ago

Some events are blacklisted by Google, please use an app prefix in that case, e.g. my_app_ecommerce_purchase or use the built in events