hansemannn / titanium-firebase-cloud-messaging

Use the Firebase Cloud Messaging SDK in Axway Titanium 🚀 Edit
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Android: Update dependencies #115

Closed m1ga closed 3 years ago

m1ga commented 3 years ago

Update events:

New methods

Update dependencies:

Android library changelog:

m1ga commented 3 years ago

@hansemannn: done, please test it, then it is ready to be released

added the event as "Android only" at the moment. So you can add it to the iOS module later on

hansemannn commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Have you validated that push messages (both data and clssic messages) as well as the intent handling / cold boot receival still works? Maybe someone can help here? I wont make it until next week

m1ga commented 3 years ago

My test case sends out 4 notifications:

in foreground, background and closed app. And of course opening the app using the intent.

But it would be good if someone else does a quick test. Since it is nothing important this can wait, too. The current version still works!

hansemannn commented 3 years ago

Yep, especially because it works fine without any issues, we should use the time to have it tested by a broader audience. Maybe release a beta version of it (and the related modules)?

jgiunta commented 3 years ago

Hello guys. When will merge this PR ? I test it and works fine. Thanks

m1ga commented 3 years ago

@jgiunta Thank you for the feedback! We will merge it soon

m1ga commented 3 years ago

some small update:

I've spoked to Joshau and the BoM part is mainly for the app gradle, not for the module gradle. So the user needs to add it. But there aren't that many benefits since the use mostly won't update that version. So to make it easier for the user we should just use the BoM list to get the matching versions and put them into the gradle file.


m1ga commented 3 years ago


hansemannn commented 3 years ago

@m1ga Can you update to 21.0.1? I'm fine with merging then! :)