hansenjn / MotiQ

A set of ImageJ plugins to quantify dynamics, morphology, and fluorescence of microglial cells.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cell body / Cell soma parameters #1

Open hansenjn opened 2 years ago

hansenjn commented 2 years ago

It would be good to add parameters that quantify the cell body / soma of the cell (e.g., soma volume (3D) / area (2D)).

hansenjn commented 2 years ago

Idea for quantifying the soma volume / area:

  1. Reduce the cellular mask by a radius pre-defined by the user (reducing = pixels at the cellular contour or surface are deleted, the radius would define the distance of pixels to the surface to be deleted). In turn only the thickest parts of the cell remain and processes will be deleted.
  2. Retrieve the largest remaining object and re-enlarged by the same radius. This will give an object for the cell soma.
  3. The volume (3D) or area (2D) of the object is determined and reported as soma area (2D) or volume (3D).