hansenlab / minfi

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If row name does not match, what should I do? #124

Open zangcc0474 opened 6 years ago

zangcc0474 commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much.

PeteHaitch commented 6 years ago

Questions on how to use minfi should be posted to https://support.bioconductor.org/.

Right now, it's very unclear what your question is about. Please take a look at http://www.bioconductor.org/help/support/posting-guide/ before re-posting your question; this will help people trying to help you. In particular, it really helps if you can include a minimal reproducible example.

zangcc0474 commented 6 years ago

I apologize for the unclear question. My situation is: I want to convert a matrix to GenomicRatioSet using makeGenomicRatioSetFromMatrix function. However, there are some row names cannot be matched to the hg.19. The dimension of GenomicRatioSet object is different from the dimension of original matrix. I have checked the source code, and there is a comment stating that there will not be warning if no matching. Therefore, I assume the new matching situation could happen. If so, how I can solve the issue?