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RuPaulだのオカマタレントだのの話が普通につらかったので、しばらく界隈を離れます。 (ちなみにchidarinnさんが得意になって書き散らかしている英語も間違いだらけで、一文として正しい文章がありませんね…)では。
重ね重ね、お手数おかけいたしました……。 アカウント突然消えたので心配しました。またご縁がありましたら、よろしくお願いいたします。
Components Setup
All players play rock-paper-scissors to determine a patient. The player who loses plays as a patient and other players play as a virus team. The patient wears the Battle T-Shirt. The letters on the front of the T-shirt are printed upside down. Adjust the front and back side of the Battle T-shirt by performing Zero-point Adjustment. A player [誰が?] turns all Treatment Cards face down, shuffles them, and picks 10 cards. Stack 10 cards face down to form a Draw Pile. Other Treatment Cards will not be used in this round. Distribute a sticker sheet to each player. (If a player runs out of sticker during the game, take a new sticker sheet.) The virus team places their first 5 virus stickers (shown below [真下に入る場合]) in any 5 of the all squares of the Battle T-shirt.[臓器には置けないという説明が必要] TIPS: Adjustmenting Sides of the Battle T-shirt (Zero-point Adjustment)
Depending on the patient's posture and body shape, print on the front and back side could be off. The virus team can help the adjustment by pressing a specific square on the patient's back, allowing the patient to recognize the gap between the front and the back prints. We recommend to press some of the end squares, such as D1 and G12.
TIPS:How to Place Virus/Parasite Stickers When putting a virus/parasite sticker on the square on the back of the Battle T-shirt, virus team should place the sticker while pressing firmly with their fingers, so that the patient can sense where the sticker has been placed.
Playing the Game Each turn consists of a patient's action and virus team's action. A patient starts each turn. Patient's Turn The patient carries out the following:
(1) Revealing a Treatment Card The patient draws the topmost card of the Draw Deck and show the card to all players.
Injection and Use of Treatment Cards Injection - The patient calls out a letter and a number that identifies a row and column the player wishes to inject. The virus team checks that coordinate on the Battle T-Shirt and responds verbally. Depending on the placement of virus/parasite on the square and 8 surrounding squares, there are 3 results.
If there is virus/parasite is placed on the injected square If there is no virus/parasite on the injected square, but placed on the 8 surrounding squares If there is no virus or parasite on the injected square or 8 surrounding squares Hit Almost Miss The Injection successfully killed the virus or parasite (Hit.) The virus team must inform the patient whether the dead organism was a virus or a parasite. Then, remove the sticker. In addition, as a Hit bonus, the patient can perform one more Injection. The virus team must inform the patient must inform the Injection "Almost" hit. Then, the virus team moves 1 dice to the Temporary Discard Pile if the team has not moved a dice to the Temporary Discard Pile on this turn. The virus team will use 2 dices for the rest of the turn. The virus team must inform the patient that the patient "Missed." Using a Treatment Card The patient chooses a Treatment Card from the Build Pile and carries out the effect of the card. Then, discard the Treatment Card to the Discard Pile.
Note: Anti-Vax Movement Card can only be used in the beginning of each action. [日本語ルール、ターン・アクションの混同がみられる]
Repeat Perform 2. two more times. The patient performs (2) time3s in total. Game End; Patient Wins If all viruses and parasites are exterminated as the result of (2), the patient wins. This round is over.
Virus's Turn
The virus must perform (1) through (4) in order.
(1) Roll Dices
The virus team rolls 3 dices. Roll 2 dices if "Almost" occurred on the most recent patient's action.
Growth of Viruses or Parasites The virus team chooses one dice, and 1 sticker from the sticker that has been placed. Duplicate the sticker and move the second sticker as many squares as the number on the selected dice. (Duplicate the same species.) Mutation When the virus team places 2 virus stickers on the same square, the viruses mutate into a parasite. Remove the virus stickers and put a parasite sticker (shown below) on the square.
Repeat Perform (2) as many times as the number of dice left. Retrieve a Dice from the Temporary Discard Pile If there are only 2 dices, retrieve a dice from the Temporary Discard Pile.
End of Turn Check to see if any game end condition is met. On turns 1st through 9th, check if there is one parasite on all of the patient's three organs; heart, left kidney, and right kidney. (One parasite on the heart and the remaining kidney if one kidney is lost.)
Die Die Continue The virus team wins. This round is over. As an exception, if the patient used "Anti-Vax Movement" card on the turn, the patient does not die. Proceed to the next turn. After the 10th patient's turn, if one or more viruses/parasites are placed on the patient's body, the virus team wins. This round is over. On turns 1st through 9th, the patient is still alive. The round continues.
Effects of Treatment Cards The following are some effects of the Treatment cards. The card kills all viruses/parasites ....: The card kills all viruses and parasites in the organ. The virus team must remove the killed virus/parasite stickers from the back of the Battle T-shirt. The patient loses ....: The card kills all viruses and parasites in the organ. The virus team must remove the killed virus/parasite stickers from the back of the Battle T-shirt. Also, the virus team must put a Lost Sticker (shown below) on the center of the lost organ. The virus team will no longer be able to perform a virus or parasite growth through the organ. This card nullifies the growth of viruses/parasites through....: The virus team can not perform the growth of viruses/parasites through the organ in this turn.
There are also other cards with various effects. Follow what is written on the card. Each card affects its colored organ. For example, the Smoking Card (shown below) affects both lungs.
Basic Rules of Growth The virus team may perform the growth by following the rules: Inform the patient whether it is a virus or a parasite growth. Press every square in the growth pathway with the finger while counting aloud. Press the first virus/parasite as well. Don't go through the same squares in one growth pathway. In other words, the growth pathway must be a single stroke. Put a new virus/parasite sticker after pressing the last square. If the patient uses a card that nullifies growth through an organ, the virus team must follow the restriction. The growth pathway of viruses must be connected squares. However, the growth pathway of parasites can be unconnected squares as parasites can penetrate the walls of organs.
TIPS : How to Use Stickers for Patient Player - 患者役のシールの使い方 患者役は、記憶の補助として4種のシールを腹面のマスに使うことができます。 いつ貼っても剥がしてもよく、使い方は自由ですが、一例をご紹介します。 Injection Sticker - 注射シール 注射をしたマスに貼ります。シールを貼ったタイミングでは、このマスにウイルス・寄生虫はいなかったことになります。 Losst Organ Sticker - 喪失シール 喪失した臓器中央に貼ります。今後、この臓器にウイルス・寄生虫の配置はされませんし、注射をすることもできません。 Green Flag Sticker - 旗(緑) ウイルスが配置された際に、おそらくこのマスだろうという予想として貼ります。これを目安に注射をしていきましょう。 Blue Flag Sticker - 旗(青) 同様に、寄生虫が配置された際に、予想として貼ります。 TIPS : How to Reveal a Card - カードの公開について 1ターンに1枚ずつ山札が減っていきます。 つまり、公開カードと廃棄カードの合計が、ターン数を示しています。 山札からカードを1枚公開することは大した作業ではありませんが、病に苦しむ患者役にとっては一大事です。 ウイルス役が代理で実施することをおすすめします。 TIPS : How to Read Out the Names of Squares - マスの読み方 「B」「D」「E」、「1」「7」「8」など、音で聞くとわかりにくものがあります。 ですので、フォネティックコードなどを活用して、わかりやすい伝え方をしましょう。 例:A1=アルファのワン 、 D7=デルタのナナ 、 E8=イーストのエイト 等 TIPS : When You Run Out of Stickers - シールがなくなったときは 同梱されていたシールがなくなった場合には、市販のシールをかわりにご利用いただくことをおすすめします。 100円ショップや文房具店などで「カラーシール」「丸ラベル」「ポイントシール」などの名前で販売されています。 同梱されているオリジナルのシール同様、4色ていどあれば、色を使い分けることで、同等のプレイが可能です。
Card List
The card kills all viruses and parasites in the patient's esophagus and stomach.
The card nullifies growth during the turn. At the same time, it prohibits the patient from using the restroom when the card is in effect.
The card kills all viruses and parasites in the intestines.
The patient loses the liver, consequently killing all viruses and parasites in the liver. The card also prohibits the patient from drinking alcohol during the round.
The patient loses either lung, consequently killing all viruses and parasites in the lost lung. If both lungs are lost, the patient is unable to breathe during the round.
This card kills all viruses and parasites in the square designated by the patient and the eight squares surrounding the square. However, the Hit bonus does not apply.
The card kills all viruses and parasites in the patient's heart and kidneys.
The patient must choose one kidney to be lost. Instead, the patient can carry out 2 additional actions.
The card kills all parasites in the patient's intestines.
The patient remains immortal during the turn.
The patient loses the appendix.
The virus team places 1 virus sticker [?] on one of the following organs; esophagus, stomach, or intestines. The new turn begins.
The card nullifies the growth through the esophagus [on?食道だけ?胃なども?] during the turn.
When the patient uses this card at the beginning of the turn, the patient can use 4 cards instead of using Injection.
The card nullifies the growth of parasites.
The card nullifies the growth through the stomach.
The card allows the patient to touch the patient's back for 5 seconds.
The virus team presses 4 squares chosen by the patient.