hanshoglund / comb

Experimental audio engine
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Generalized signals #1

Closed hanshoglund closed 11 years ago

hanshoglund commented 11 years ago

Not just Double, but Float, Int, (a,a), Typable a => a etc.

hanshoglund commented 11 years ago

This may not actually be worth it. Consider:

Loose thinking: Control values are more similar to FRP events, i.e. they need to be processed spuriously. There is a difference between a DSP engine and an FRP system. Building a hybrid is an interesting challenge, but possibly the wrong thing to do here.

hanshoglund commented 11 years ago

Another note: if we allow polymorphic signals Signal a etc, we must also type the inputs and outputs, which does not work with the current state implementation. Consider

step :: Signal a -> State -> (a, State)
step = go
        -- Ignoring Random and Time for now
        go (Constant x) !s     = {-# SCC "constant" #-} (x, s)

        go (Lift _ f a) !s     = {-# SCC "lift" #-}     let
            (!xa, !sa) = a `step` s
            in (f xa, sa)
        go (Lift2 _ f a b) !s  = {-# SCC "lift2" #-}    let
            (!xa, !sa) = a `step` s
            (!xb, !sb) = b `step` sa
            in (f xa xb, sb)

        go (Input c) !s      = {-# SCC "input" #-}      (readSamp c s, s)
        go (Output n c a) !s = {-# SCC "output" #-}     let
            (xa, sa) = a `step` s
            in (xa, writeSamp n c xa sa)

While constants and lifts are no problem, input and output would need to be restricted to doubles because readSamp :: Int -> State -> Double and writeSamp :: Int -> Int -> Double -> State -> State.

Maybe we could do this with GADTs and add new constructors ControlInput and ControlOutput for controls. However then we have the same problem. Maybe the best compromise is to use Dynamic for this.

hanshoglund commented 11 years ago

Closing and replacing with more specific: #6